Year Conf. Topic Cited Paper Authors Url
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-transformer, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab 5 Neural Architectures for Nested NER through Linearization Jana Straková, Milan Straka, Jan Hajic
2019 ACL # optim-adam, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-memo, arch-coverage, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-spanlab 3 Real-Time Open-Domain Question Answering with Dense-Sparse Phrase Index Minjoon Seo, Jinhyuk Lee, Tom Kwiatkowski, Ankur Parikh, Ali Farhadi, Hannaneh Hajishirzi
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-mll, arch-rnn, arch-coverage, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert 0 Probing for Semantic Classes: Diagnosing the Meaning Content of Word Embeddings Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh, Katharina Kann, T. J. Hazen, Eneko Agirre, Hinrich Schütze
2019 ACL # optim-adagrad, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-gnn, arch-att, search-beam, search-viterbi, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, task-lm, task-relation 0 Multi-Relational Script Learning for Discourse Relations I-Ta Lee, Dan Goldwasser
2019 ACL # train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 An Investigation of Transfer Learning-Based Sentiment Analysis in Japanese Enkhbold Bataa, Joshua Wu
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, train-transfer, train-augment, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-textclass, task-condlm 7 Mitigating Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing: Literature Review Tony Sun, Andrew Gaut, Shirlyn Tang, Yuxin Huang, Mai ElSherief, Jieyu Zhao, Diba Mirza, Elizabeth Belding, Kai-Wei Chang, William Yang Wang
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, norm-layer, train-active, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-lm 0 Learning Emphasis Selection for Written Text in Visual Media from Crowd-Sourced Label Distributions Amirreza Shirani, Franck Dernoncourt, Paul Asente, Nedim Lipka, Seokhwan Kim, Jose Echevarria, Thamar Solorio
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-mll, pool-max, pool-mean, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-train, task-textpair, task-lm, task-cloze, task-relation 2 DisSent: Learning Sentence Representations from Explicit Discourse Relations Allen Nie, Erin Bennett, Noah Goodman
2019 ACL # reg-dropout, norm-layer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-relation 8 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar Parsing on Penn Treebank Junru Zhou, Hai Zhao
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, train-mll, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, comb-ensemble, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq 0 End-to-End Sequential Metaphor Identification Inspired by Linguistic Theories Rui Mao, Chenghua Lin, Frank Guerin
2019 ACL # arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, pre-elmo, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-tree 2 End-to-end Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Coreference Resolution Hongliang Fei, Xu Li, Dingcheng Li, Ping Li
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-adagrad, train-mll, arch-coverage, arch-subword, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, task-lm, task-seq2seq 2 Multilingual and Cross-Lingual Graded Lexical Entailment Ivan Vulić, Simone Paolo Ponzetto, Goran Glavaš
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, pool-max, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-treelstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, search-beam, search-viterbi, pre-elmo, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq, task-tree 0 Span-Level Model for Relation Extraction Kalpit Dixit, Yaser Al-Onaizan
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, reg-dropout, norm-gradient, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, search-beam, pre-elmo, latent-vae, task-extractive, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 Simple Unsupervised Summarization by Contextual Matching Jiawei Zhou, Alexander Rush
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-amsgrad, optim-projection, reg-stopping, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 0 Can You Tell Me How to Get Past Sesame Street? Sentence-Level Pretraining Beyond Language Modeling Alex Wang, Jan Hula, Patrick Xia, Raghavendra Pappagari, R. Thomas McCoy, Roma Patel, Najoung Kim, Ian Tenney, Yinghui Huang, Katherin Yu, Shuning Jin, Berlin Chen, Benjamin Van Durme, Edouard Grave, Ellie Pavlick, Samuel R. Bowman
2019 ACL # optim-adam, arch-rnn, arch-gru, arch-gnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-spanlab, task-seq2seq 6 Multi-hop Reading Comprehension across Multiple Documents by Reasoning over Heterogeneous Graphs Ming Tu, Guangtao Wang, Jing Huang, Yun Tang, Xiaodong He, Bowen Zhou
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mll, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-treelstm, arch-att, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-seq2seq, task-alignment 0 Putting Evaluation in Context: Contextual Embeddings Improve Machine Translation Evaluation Nitika Mathur, Timothy Baldwin, Trevor Cohn
2019 ACL # init-glorot, reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-birnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-textclass 12 Joint Slot Filling and Intent Detection via Capsule Neural Networks Chenwei Zhang, Yaliang Li, Nan Du, Wei Fan, Philip Yu
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, pre-elmo, task-lm 0 Putting Words in Context: LSTM Language Models and Lexical Ambiguity Laura Aina, Kristina Gulordava, Gemma Boleda
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mll, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-subword, pre-elmo, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Towards Language Agnostic Universal Representations Armen Aghajanyan, Xia Song, Saurabh Tiwary
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-relation 2 Multi-grained Named Entity Recognition Congying Xia, Chenwei Zhang, Tao Yang, Yaliang Li, Nan Du, Xian Wu, Wei Fan, Fenglong Ma, Philip Yu
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, train-mll, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, comb-ensemble, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-lm 9 Multilingual Constituency Parsing with Self-Attention and Pre-Training Nikita Kitaev, Steven Cao, Dan Klein
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-elmo, struct-crf, task-textclass 0 Observing Dialogue in Therapy: Categorizing and Forecasting Behavioral Codes Jie Cao, Michael Tanana, Zac Imel, Eric Poitras, David Atkins, Vivek Srikumar
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-augment, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-transformer, search-beam, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm 1 Relating Simple Sentence Representations in Deep Neural Networks and the Brain Sharmistha Jat, Hao Tang, Partha Talukdar, Tom Mitchell
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, arch-subword, comb-ensemble, search-beam, search-viterbi, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm 0 Cross-Domain Generalization of Neural Constituency Parsers Daniel Fried, Nikita Kitaev, Dan Klein
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, norm-batch, norm-gradient, train-transfer, pool-mean, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-memo, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, loss-cca, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-alignment 1 Multimodal and Multi-view Models for Emotion Recognition Gustavo Aguilar, Viktor Rozgic, Weiran Wang, Chao Wang
2019 ACL # optim-adam, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, pre-bert, loss-margin, task-spanlab, task-lm 2 Enhancing Pre-Trained Language Representations with Rich Knowledge for Machine Reading Comprehension An Yang, Quan Wang, Jing Liu, Kai Liu, Yajuan Lyu, Hua Wu, Qiaoqiao She, Sujian Li
2019 ACL # arch-lstm, arch-att, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm 2 Does it Make Sense? And Why? A Pilot Study for Sense Making and Explanation Cunxiang Wang, Shuailong Liang, Yue Zhang, Xiaonan Li, Tian Gao
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-cnn, arch-att, pre-glove, pre-elmo, latent-topic, task-textclass 9 The Risk of Racial Bias in Hate Speech Detection Maarten Sap, Dallas Card, Saadia Gabriel, Yejin Choi, Noah A. Smith
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, pre-elmo, loss-svd, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq, meta-arch 1 Continual and Multi-Task Architecture Search Ramakanth Pasunuru, Mohit Bansal
2019 ACL # init-glorot, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-train, latent-topic, task-textclass, task-lm 1 Zero-Shot Entity Linking by Reading Entity Descriptions Lajanugen Logeswaran, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, Kristina Toutanova, Jacob Devlin, Honglak Lee
2019 ACL # reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-lm, task-relation 0 Identifying Visible Actions in Lifestyle Vlogs Oana Ignat, Laura Burdick, Jia Deng, Rada Mihalcea
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-treelstm, arch-bilinear, arch-coverage, search-viterbi, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-textpair, task-relation, task-tree 0 Automatic Generation of High Quality CCGbanks for Parser Domain Adaptation Masashi Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Noji, Koji Mineshima, Daisuke Bekki
2019 ACL # optim-adadelta, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-birnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-memo, comb-ensemble, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, adv-train, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Distilling Discrimination and Generalization Knowledge for Event Detection via Delta-Representation Learning Yaojie Lu, Hongyu Lin, Xianpei Han, Le Sun
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-birnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-subword, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-seqlab, task-spanlab, task-seq2seq 0 MCˆ2: Multi-perspective Convolutional Cube for Conversational Machine Reading Comprehension Xuanyu Zhang
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, pool-mean, arch-coverage, arch-subword, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm, task-seq2seq 2 Entity-Centric Contextual Affective Analysis Anjalie Field, Yulia Tsvetkov
2019 ACL # optim-adadelta, reg-dropout, train-mll, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gating, search-beam, search-viterbi, pre-elmo 0 Improving Open Information Extraction via Iterative Rank-Aware Learning Zhengbao Jiang, Pengcheng Yin, Graham Neubig
2019 ACL # reg-dropout, train-transfer, train-active, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-textclass, task-seqlab 1 The Language of Legal and Illegal Activity on the Darknet Leshem Choshen, Dan Eldad, Daniel Hershcovich, Elior Sulem, Omri Abend
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-train, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 2 Fine-tuning Pre-Trained Transformer Language Models to Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction Christoph Alt, Marc Hübner, Leonhard Hennig
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-lm 20 What Does BERT Learn about the Structure of Language? Ganesh Jawahar, Benoît Sagot, Djamé Seddah
2019 ACL # init-glorot, pool-mean, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-relation 0 Embedding Time Expressions for Deep Temporal Ordering Models Tanya Goyal, Greg Durrett
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-stopping, pool-max, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-condlm, task-seq2seq 1 Constructing Interpretive Spatio-Temporal Features for Multi-Turn Responses Selection Junyu Lu, Chenbin Zhang, Zeying Xie, Guang Ling, Tom Chao Zhou, Zenglin Xu
2019 ACL # optim-adam, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, search-beam, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, nondif-reinforce, task-extractive, task-lm, task-condlm, task-seq2seq, task-lexicon 2 Sentence Mover’s Similarity: Automatic Evaluation for Multi-Sentence Texts Elizabeth Clark, Asli Celikyilmaz, Noah A. Smith
2019 ACL # train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-vae, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 6 Pretraining Methods for Dialog Context Representation Learning Shikib Mehri, Evgeniia Razumovskaia, Tiancheng Zhao, Maxine Eskenazi
2019 ACL # train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 4 BAM! Born-Again Multi-Task Networks for Natural Language Understanding Kevin Clark, Minh-Thang Luong, Urvashi Khandelwal, Christopher D. Manning, Quoc V. Le
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-augment, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, arch-subword, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-examp, task-spanlab, task-seq2seq, task-alignment 1 Improving the Robustness of Question Answering Systems to Question Paraphrasing Wee Chung Gan, Hwee Tou Ng
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-textpair, task-seqlab, task-spanlab, task-seq2seq 2 Augmenting Neural Networks with First-order Logic Tao Li, Vivek Srikumar
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-elmo, struct-hmm, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 Knowledge-aware Pronoun Coreference Resolution Hongming Zhang, Yan Song, Yangqiu Song, Dong Yu
2019 ACL # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, arch-copy, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-hmm, latent-vae, task-extractive, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 0 HIBERT: Document Level Pre-training of Hierarchical Bidirectional Transformers for Document Summarization Xingxing Zhang, Furu Wei, Ming Zhou
2019 ACL # optim-adagrad, train-mtl, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-residual, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo 0 Employing the Correspondence of Relations and Connectives to Identify Implicit Discourse Relations via Label Embeddings Linh The Nguyen, Linh Van Ngo, Khoat Than, Thien Huu Nguyen
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, reg-norm, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, search-viterbi, pre-glove, pre-elmo, struct-crf, adv-train, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Cross-Domain NER using Cross-Domain Language Modeling Chen Jia, Xiaobo Liang, Yue Zhang
2019 ACL # optim-adam, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 Attention Is (not) All You Need for Commonsense Reasoning Tassilo Klein, Moin Nabi
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-adadelta, norm-gradient, train-mtl, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-subword, arch-transformer, search-beam, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 Gated Embeddings in End-to-End Speech Recognition for Conversational-Context Fusion Suyoun Kim, Siddharth Dalmia, Florian Metze
2019 ACL # optim-adam, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-seqlab 3 Language Modelling Makes Sense: Propagating Representations through WordNet for Full-Coverage Word Sense Disambiguation Daniel Loureiro, Alípio Jorge
2019 ACL # reg-stopping, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-coverage, search-viterbi, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab 1 Towards Improving Neural Named Entity Recognition with Gazetteers Tianyu Liu, Jin-Ge Yao, Chin-Yew Lin
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-mll, pool-max, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-bert, loss-svd, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-seqlab 2 Robust Representation Learning of Biomedical Names Minh C. Phan, Aixin Sun, Yi Tay
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, norm-gradient, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-bilinear, arch-coverage, arch-subword, search-beam, pre-elmo, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 0 Generating Question-Answer Hierarchies Kalpesh Krishna, Mohit Iyyer
2019 ACL # optim-adam, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-bilinear, pre-glove, pre-elmo, loss-margin, task-lm, task-condlm, task-seq2seq 0 Multi-grained Attention with Object-level Grounding for Visual Question Answering Pingping Huang, Jianhui Huang, Yuqing Guo, Min Qiao, Yong Zhu
2019 ACL # init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-att, pre-elmo, loss-cca, task-seq2seq 2 Fine-Grained Temporal Relation Extraction Siddharth Vashishtha, Benjamin Van Durme, Aaron Steven White
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-residual, arch-gating, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, search-beam, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 5 Multi-style Generative Reading Comprehension Kyosuke Nishida, Itsumi Saito, Kosuke Nishida, Kazutoshi Shinoda, Atsushi Otsuka, Hisako Asano, Junji Tomita
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-transformer, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-lexicon 0 LSTMEmbed: Learning Word and Sense Representations from a Large Semantically Annotated Corpus with Long Short-Term Memories Ignacio Iacobacci, Roberto Navigli
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-mll, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-relation 3 Reliability-aware Dynamic Feature Composition for Name Tagging Ying Lin, Liyuan Liu, Heng Ji, Dong Yu, Jiawei Han
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-gating, arch-memo, arch-bilinear, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-spanlab 3 Explore, Propose, and Assemble: An Interpretable Model for Multi-Hop Reading Comprehension Yichen Jiang, Nitish Joshi, Yen-Chun Chen, Mohit Bansal
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-decay, reg-labelsmooth, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, search-beam, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 1 A Simple and Effective Approach to Automatic Post-Editing with Transfer Learning Gonçalo M. Correia, André F. T. Martins
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-stopping, reg-patience, reg-decay, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-lm 1 GEAR: Graph-based Evidence Aggregating and Reasoning for Fact Verification Jie Zhou, Xu Han, Cheng Yang, Zhiyuan Liu, Lifeng Wang, Changcheng Li, Maosong Sun
2019 ACL # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, norm-batch, pool-mean, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-vae, latent-topic, task-lm 1 Open Domain Event Extraction Using Neural Latent Variable Models Xiao Liu, Heyan Huang, Yue Zhang
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-subword, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-textclass, task-lm, task-relation 2 Unsupervised Learning of PCFGs with Normalizing Flow Lifeng Jin, Finale Doshi-Velez, Timothy Miller, Lane Schwartz, William Schuler
2019 ACL # arch-att, arch-selfatt, pre-elmo, pre-bert 0 PTB Graph Parsing with Tree Approximation Yoshihide Kato, Shigeki Matsubara
2019 ACL # optim-adam, init-glorot, norm-layer, train-mtl, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-topic, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Text Categorization by Learning Predominant Sense of Words as Auxiliary Task Kazuya Shimura, Jiyi Li, Fumiyo Fukumoto
2019 ACL # reg-decay, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, comb-ensemble, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-tree 8 Explain Yourself! Leveraging Language Models for Commonsense Reasoning Nazneen Fatema Rajani, Bryan McCann, Caiming Xiong, Richard Socher
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Encouraging Paragraph Embeddings to Remember Sentence Identity Improves Classification Tu Vu, Mohit Iyyer
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, arch-lstm, arch-treelstm, pre-elmo, struct-crf, latent-vae, task-lm, task-tree 0 Latent Variable Sentiment Grammar Liwen Zhang, Kewei Tu, Yue Zhang
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mll, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, adv-train, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 Sequence Tagging with Contextual and Non-Contextual Subword Representations: A Multilingual Evaluation Benjamin Heinzerling, Michael Strube
2019 ACL # init-glorot, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 5 Incorporating Syntactic and Semantic Information in Word Embeddings using Graph Convolutional Networks Shikhar Vashishth, Manik Bhandari, Prateek Yadav, Piyush Rai, Chiranjib Bhattacharyya, Partha Talukdar
2019 ACL # arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-memo, pre-elmo, loss-nce, task-seqlab 0 Implicit Discourse Relation Identification for Open-domain Dialogues Mingyu Derek Ma, Kevin Bowden, Jiaqi Wu, Wen Cui, Marilyn Walker
2019 ACL # optim-adam, arch-lstm, comb-ensemble, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-examp, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm 14 HellaSwag: Can a Machine Really Finish Your Sentence? Rowan Zellers, Ari Holtzman, Yonatan Bisk, Ali Farhadi, Yejin Choi
2019 ACL # arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-vae, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 Coreference Resolution with Entity Equalization Ben Kantor, Amir Globerson
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-memo, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-textpair, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-tree 0 An Empirical Study of Span Representations in Argumentation Structure Parsing Tatsuki Kuribayashi, Hiroki Ouchi, Naoya Inoue, Paul Reisert, Toshinori Miyoshi, Jun Suzuki, Kentaro Inui
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-cloze 116 Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks for Natural Language Understanding Xiaodong Liu, Pengcheng He, Weizhu Chen, Jianfeng Gao
2019 ACL # train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-topic, task-lm 2 Diachronic Sense Modeling with Deep Contextualized Word Embeddings: An Ecological View Renfen Hu, Shen Li, Shichen Liang
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, train-mll, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-bert, loss-svd, task-textclass, task-lm 0 Self-Attentive, Multi-Context One-Class Classification for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection on Text Lukas Ruff, Yury Zemlyanskiy, Robert Vandermeulen, Thomas Schnake, Marius Kloft
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-adadelta, reg-dropout, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, search-beam, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-seq2seq 4 Multi-Hop Paragraph Retrieval for Open-Domain Question Answering Yair Feldman, Ran El-Yaniv
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, norm-layer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass 4 One Time of Interaction May Not Be Enough: Go Deep with an Interaction-over-Interaction Network for Response Selection in Dialogues Chongyang Tao, Wei Wu, Can Xu, Wenpeng Hu, Dongyan Zhao, Rui Yan
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-mtl, train-mll, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 27 ERNIE: Enhanced Language Representation with Informative Entities Zhengyan Zhang, Xu Han, Zhiyuan Liu, Xin Jiang, Maosong Sun, Qun Liu
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, train-active, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-bilinear, comb-ensemble, search-viterbi, pre-elmo, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-relation, task-tree 1 Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation for Dependency Parsing Zhenghua Li, Xue Peng, Min Zhang, Rui Wang, Luo Si
2019 ACL # optim-adam, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-lm, task-cloze 37 BERT Rediscovers the Classical NLP Pipeline Ian Tenney, Dipanjan Das, Ellie Pavlick
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, norm-gradient, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-memo, search-beam, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-spanlab 2 Exploiting Explicit Paths for Multi-hop Reading Comprehension Souvik Kundu, Tushar Khot, Ashish Sabharwal, Peter Clark
2019 ACL # optim-adam, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-coverage, comb-ensemble, search-viterbi, pre-elmo 5 Wide-Coverage Neural A* Parsing for Minimalist Grammars John Torr, Milos Stanojevic, Mark Steedman, Shay B. Cohen
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-coverage, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-lm, task-cloze 0 Topic Sensitive Attention on Generic Corpora Corrects Sense Bias in Pretrained Embeddings Vihari Piratla, Sunita Sarawagi, Soumen Chakrabarti
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-norm, train-mtl, train-mll, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-bert, loss-svd, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm 0 EigenSent: Spectral sentence embeddings using higher-order Dynamic Mode Decomposition Subhradeep Kayal, George Tsatsaronis
2019 ACL # arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-transformer, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-lm, task-cloze 3 Classification and Clustering of Arguments with Contextualized Word Embeddings Nils Reimers, Benjamin Schiller, Tilman Beck, Johannes Daxenberger, Christian Stab, Iryna Gurevych
2019 ACL # optim-adam, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, meta-arch 76 Energy and Policy Considerations for Deep Learning in NLP Emma Strubell, Ananya Ganesh, Andrew McCallum
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seq2seq, task-relation 3 A Unified Linear-Time Framework for Sentence-Level Discourse Parsing Xiang Lin, Shafiq Joty, Prathyusha Jwalapuram, M Saiful Bari
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, adv-train, loss-svd, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-lexicon, task-alignment 1 Unsupervised Multilingual Word Embedding with Limited Resources using Neural Language Models Takashi Wada, Tomoharu Iwata, Yuji Matsumoto
2019 ACL # optim-adam, init-glorot, train-mtl, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, struct-crf, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-tree 1 How to Best Use Syntax in Semantic Role Labelling Yufei Wang, Mark Johnson, Stephen Wan, Yifang Sun, Wei Wang
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, init-glorot, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-lm, task-relation 1 Revisiting Joint Modeling of Cross-document Entity and Event Coreference Resolution Shany Barhom, Vered Shwartz, Alon Eirew, Michael Bugert, Nils Reimers, Ido Dagan
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-mtl, train-mll, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-vae, task-textclass, task-seq2seq 0 Modelling the interplay of metaphor and emotion through multitask learning Verna Dankers, Marek Rei, Martha Lewis, Ekaterina Shutova
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 ner and pos when nothing is capitalized Stephen Mayhew, Tatiana Tsygankova, Dan Roth
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-examp, task-textclass, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 0 AllenNLP Interpret: A Framework for Explaining Predictions of NLP Models Eric Wallace, Jens Tuyls, Junlin Wang, Sanjay Subramanian, Matt Gardner, Sameer Singh
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, search-beam, pre-elmo, task-extractive 5 Neural Extractive Text Summarization with Syntactic Compression Jiacheng Xu, Greg Durrett
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-coverage, comb-ensemble, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm, task-relation, task-tree 0 Syntax-aware Multilingual Semantic Role Labeling Shexia He, Zuchao Li, Hai Zhao
2019 EMNLP # activ-relu, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-bilinear, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-relation, task-tree 1 Dependency-Guided LSTM-CRF for Named Entity Recognition Zhanming Jie, Wei Lu
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-vae, task-spanlab 0 Answering questions by learning to rank - Learning to rank by answering questions George Sebastian Pirtoaca, Traian Rebedea, Stefan Ruseti
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, pool-max, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Aggregating Bidirectional Encoder Representations Using MatchLSTM for Sequence Matching Bo Shao, Yeyun Gong, Weizhen Qi, Nan Duan, Xiaola Lin
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, loss-svd, task-lm 0 Detect Camouflaged Spam Content via StoneSkipping: Graph and Text Joint Embedding for Chinese Character Variation Representation Zhuoren Jiang, Zhe Gao, Guoxiu He, Yangyang Kang, Changlong Sun, Qiong Zhang, Luo Si, Xiaozhong Liu
2019 EMNLP # init-glorot, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, norm-gradient, train-transfer, train-augment, train-parallel, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-copy, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, search-beam, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 2 Denoising based Sequence-to-Sequence Pre-training for Text Generation Liang Wang, Wei Zhao, Ruoyu Jia, Sujian Li, Jingming Liu
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-att, arch-bilinear, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, task-seq2seq, task-relation 0 Hierarchical Pointer Net Parsing Linlin Liu, Xiang Lin, Shafiq Joty, Simeng Han, Lidong Bing
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, reg-norm, reg-decay, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-bilinear, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 1 Designing and Interpreting Probes with Control Tasks John Hewitt, Percy Liang
2019 EMNLP # optim-projection, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-train, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-cloze 4 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Contextualized Embeddings for Sequence Labeling Xiaochuang Han, Jacob Eisenstein
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-decay, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, loss-nce, task-textpair, task-alignment 0 A Gated Self-attention Memory Network for Answer Selection Tuan Lai, Quan Hung Tran, Trung Bui, Daisuke Kihara
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, optim-adam, train-mll, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-bilinear, arch-subword, comb-ensemble, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, pre-bert, loss-svd, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-alignment 3 Cross-Lingual BERT Transformation for Zero-Shot Dependency Parsing Yuxuan Wang, Wanxiang Che, Jiang Guo, Yijia Liu, Ting Liu
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert 0 An Improved Neural Baseline for Temporal Relation Extraction Qiang Ning, Sanjay Subramanian, Dan Roth
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-mll, train-augment, pool-max, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-tree 0 Do NLP Models Know Numbers? Probing Numeracy in Embeddings Eric Wallace, Yizhong Wang, Sujian Li, Sameer Singh, Matt Gardner
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-bilinear, search-viterbi, pre-glove, pre-elmo, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-condlm 0 Phrase Grounding by Soft-Label Chain Conditional Random Field Jiacheng Liu, Julia Hockenmaier
2019 EMNLP # reg-stopping, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-lm, meta-arch 1 Show Your Work: Improved Reporting of Experimental Results Jesse Dodge, Suchin Gururangan, Dallas Card, Roy Schwartz, Noah A. Smith
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-subword, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze, task-alignment 4 Unicoder: A Universal Language Encoder by Pre-training with Multiple Cross-lingual Tasks Haoyang Huang, Yaobo Liang, Nan Duan, Ming Gong, Linjun Shou, Daxin Jiang, Ming Zhou
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, adv-examp, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-spanlab 0 Evaluating adversarial attacks against multiple fact verification systems James Thorne, Andreas Vlachos, Christos Christodoulopoulos, Arpit Mittal
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, reg-decay, train-mll, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-seqlab, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze, task-relation 22 Beto, Bentz, Becas: The Surprising Cross-Lingual Effectiveness of BERT Shijie Wu, Mark Dredze
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, arch-lstm, arch-att, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-seqlab, task-lm 0 Entity, Relation, and Event Extraction with Contextualized Span Representations David Wadden, Ulme Wennberg, Yi Luan, Hannaneh Hajishirzi
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-birnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-lm 0 DENS: A Dataset for Multi-class Emotion Analysis Chen Liu, Muhammad Osama, Anderson De Andrade
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, reg-dropout, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-subword, search-viterbi, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, struct-crf, latent-vae, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 A Regularization Approach for Incorporating Event Knowledge and Coreference Relations into Neural Discourse Parsing Zeyu Dai, Ruihong Huang
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-mll, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-subword, comb-ensemble, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, struct-crf, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-tree 0 Semi-Supervised Semantic Role Labeling with Cross-View Training Rui Cai, Mirella Lapata
2019 EMNLP # pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, task-seq2seq, task-tree 0 Split or Merge: Which is Better for Unsupervised RST Parsing? Naoki Kobayashi, Tsutomu Hirao, Kengo Nakamura, Hidetaka Kamigaito, Manabu Okumura, Masaaki Nagata
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-vae, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-seq2seq, task-tree, task-graph 0 Don’t paraphrase, detect! Rapid and Effective Data Collection for Semantic Parsing Jonathan Herzig, Jonathan Berant
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, norm-layer, train-mtl, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Improved Word Sense Disambiguation Using Pre-Trained Contextualized Word Representations Christian Hadiwinoto, Hwee Tou Ng, Wee Chung Gan
2019 EMNLP # arch-lstm, arch-att, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-tree 1 “Going on a vacation” takes longer than “Going for a walk”: A Study of Temporal Commonsense Understanding Ben Zhou, Daniel Khashabi, Qiang Ning, Dan Roth
2019 EMNLP # norm-batch, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-transformer, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, pre-bert, nondif-gumbelsoftmax, task-textclass, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-lexicon 0 What Does This Word Mean? Explaining Contextualized Embeddings with Natural Language Definition Ting-Yun Chang, Yun-Nung Chen
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-mtl, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, arch-copy, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-tree 0 Discourse-Aware Semantic Self-Attention for Narrative Reading Comprehension Todor Mihaylov, Anette Frank
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-mtl, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, comb-ensemble, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, latent-vae, task-textclass, task-seq2seq, task-tree 1 Capturing Argument Interaction in Semantic Role Labeling with Capsule Networks Xinchi Chen, Chunchuan Lyu, Ivan Titov
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, reg-dropout, pool-mean, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-subword, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-lm 1 Incorporating Domain Knowledge into Medical NLI using Knowledge Graphs Soumya Sharma, Bishal Santra, Abhik Jana, Santosh Tokala, Niloy Ganguly, Pawan Goyal
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, arch-lstm, arch-transformer, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm 0 How Contextual are Contextualized Word Representations? Comparing the Geometry of BERT, ELMo, and GPT-2 Embeddings Kawin Ethayarajh
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-condlm, task-seq2seq 0 What You See is What You Get: Visual Pronoun Coreference Resolution in Dialogues Xintong Yu, Hongming Zhang, Yangqiu Song, Yan Song, Changshui Zhang
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, norm-layer, train-mtl, train-mll, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, loss-svd, task-textpair, task-seq2seq 0 Parameter-free Sentence Embedding via Orthogonal Basis Ziyi Yang, Chenguang Zhu, Weizhu Chen
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-mtl, train-active, train-augment, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-vae, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 19 EDA: Easy Data Augmentation Techniques for Boosting Performance on Text Classification Tasks Jason Wei, Kai Zou
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-copy, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-train, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 2 Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Machine Reading Comprehension Huazheng Wang, Zhe Gan, Xiaodong Liu, Jingjing Liu, Jianfeng Gao, Hongning Wang
2019 EMNLP # reg-stopping, train-mtl, train-active, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, search-viterbi, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-hmm, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Similarity Based Auxiliary Classifier for Named Entity Recognition Shiyuan Xiao, Yuanxin Ouyang, Wenge Rong, Jianxin Yang, Zhang Xiong
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, init-glorot, arch-rnn, arch-gru, arch-att, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, task-condlm 2 Integrating Text and Image: Determining Multimodal Document Intent in Instagram Posts Julia Kruk, Jonah Lubin, Karan Sikka, Xiao Lin, Dan Jurafsky, Ajay Divakaran
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, train-mtl, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm 1 GlossBERT: BERT for Word Sense Disambiguation with Gloss Knowledge Luyao Huang, Chi Sun, Xipeng Qiu, Xuanjing Huang
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 0 Multiplex Word Embeddings for Selectional Preference Acquisition Hongming Zhang, Jiaxin Bai, Yan Song, Kun Xu, Changlong Yu, Yangqiu Song, Wilfred Ng, Dong Yu
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-stopping, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-elmo 0 Rewarding Coreference Resolvers for Being Consistent with World Knowledge Rahul Aralikatte, Heather Lent, Ana Valeria Gonzalez, Daniel Herschcovich, Chen Qiu, Anders Sandholm, Michael Ringaard, Anders Søgaard
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-copy, arch-coverage, comb-ensemble, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-vae, task-seq2seq, task-tree 0 Data-Efficient Goal-Oriented Conversation with Dialogue Knowledge Transfer Networks Igor Shalyminov, Sungjin Lee, Arash Eshghi, Oliver Lemon
2019 EMNLP # arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, pre-use, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-seq2seq 0 The Feasibility of Embedding Based Automatic Evaluation for Single Document Summarization Simeng Sun, Ani Nenkova
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, train-mll, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 0 Learning with Limited Data for Multilingual Reading Comprehension Kyungjae Lee, Sunghyun Park, Hojae Han, Jinyoung Yeo, Seung-won Hwang, Juho Lee
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, pool-max, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-memo, arch-coverage, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-relation 0 MICRON: Multigranular Interaction for Contextualizing RepresentatiON in Non-factoid Question Answering Hojae Han, Seungtaek Choi, Haeju Park, Seung-won Hwang
2019 EMNLP # arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-bilinear, arch-coverage, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-topic, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Game Theory Meets Embeddings: a Unified Framework for Word Sense Disambiguation Rocco Tripodi, Roberto Navigli
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, norm-layer, train-mll, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, arch-subword, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, loss-triplet, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-context 14 Cloze-driven Pretraining of Self-attention Networks Alexei Baevski, Sergey Edunov, Yinhan Liu, Luke Zettlemoyer, Michael Auli
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, train-mtl, train-mll, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-vae, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 2 Knowledge Enhanced Contextual Word Representations Matthew E. Peters, Mark Neumann, Robert Logan, Roy Schwartz, Vidur Joshi, Sameer Singh, Noah A. Smith
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-adadelta, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-augment, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, search-greedy, search-beam, pre-elmo, pre-bert, nondif-reinforce, task-textpair, task-seqlab, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-condlm, task-seq2seq 0 Addressing Semantic Drift in Question Generation for Semi-Supervised Question Answering Shiyue Zhang, Mohit Bansal
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, comb-ensemble, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, loss-nce, task-textclass, task-lm, task-cloze 0 Multi-Granularity Representations of Dialog Shikib Mehri, Maxine Eskenazi
2019 EMNLP # train-mll, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-memo, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 EntEval: A Holistic Evaluation Benchmark for Entity Representations Mingda Chen, Zewei Chu, Yang Chen, Karl Stratos, Kevin Gimpel
2019 EMNLP # train-mll, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-seq2seq 2 Evaluating Pronominal Anaphora in Machine Translation: An Evaluation Measure and a Test Suite Prathyusha Jwalapuram, Shafiq Joty, Irina Temnikova, Preslav Nakov
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-subword, arch-transformer, search-viterbi, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, loss-nce, task-seqlab, task-lm 0 Effective Use of Transformer Networks for Entity Tracking Aditya Gupta, Greg Durrett
2019 EMNLP # arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, comb-ensemble, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-lm 0 PubMedQA: A Dataset for Biomedical Research Question Answering Qiao Jin, Bhuwan Dhingra, Zhengping Liu, William Cohen, Xinghua Lu
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, init-glorot, train-mll, train-active, train-augment, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-copy, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-seq2seq, task-tree, task-graph, task-alignment 0 Translate and Label! An Encoder-Decoder Approach for Cross-lingual Semantic Role Labeling Angel Daza, Anette Frank
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, norm-layer, train-mll, train-augment, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm, task-condlm, task-seq2seq 19 LXMERT: Learning Cross-Modality Encoder Representations from Transformers Hao Tan, Mohit Bansal
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, norm-layer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-extractive, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 0 Fine-tune BERT with Sparse Self-Attention Mechanism Baiyun Cui, Yingming Li, Ming Chen, Zhongfei Zhang
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-subword, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, loss-nce, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-cloze 0 Multi-label Categorization of Accounts of Sexism using a Neural Framework Pulkit Parikh, Harika Abburi, Pinkesh Badjatiya, Radhika Krishnan, Niyati Chhaya, Manish Gupta, Vasudeva Varma
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-mtl, train-mll, pool-max, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-vae, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-seq2seq 0 Correlations between Word Vector Sets Vitalii Zhelezniak, April Shen, Daniel Busbridge, Aleksandar Savkov, Nils Hammerla
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-patience, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-lm 10 Language Models as Knowledge Bases? Fabio Petroni, Tim Rocktäschel, Sebastian Riedel, Patrick Lewis, Anton Bakhtin, Yuxiang Wu, Alexander Miller
2019 EMNLP # optim-projection, train-mtl, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-cloze 9 Patient Knowledge Distillation for BERT Model Compression Siqi Sun, Yu Cheng, Zhe Gan, Jingjing Liu
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, init-glorot, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-train, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-tree 0 Transductive Learning of Neural Language Models for Syntactic and Semantic Analysis Hiroki Ouchi, Jun Suzuki, Kentaro Inui
2019 EMNLP # train-active, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm 1 CrossWeigh: Training Named Entity Tagger from Imperfect Annotations Zihan Wang, Jingbo Shang, Liyuan Liu, Lihao Lu, Jiacheng Liu, Jiawei Han
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-use, adv-train, task-textpair, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 IMaT: Unsupervised Text Attribute Transfer via Iterative Matching and Translation Zhijing Jin, Di Jin, Jonas Mueller, Nicholas Matthews, Enrico Santus
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-decay, arch-att, pre-elmo, loss-svd 1 An Attentive Fine-Grained Entity Typing Model with Latent Type Representation Ying Lin, Heng Ji
2019 EMNLP # reg-stopping, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-train, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 A Robust Self-Learning Framework for Cross-Lingual Text Classification Xin Dong, Gerard de Melo
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-vae, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-lm 0 Quick and (not so) Dirty: Unsupervised Selection of Justification Sentences for Multi-hop Question Answering Vikas Yadav, Steven Bethard, Mihai Surdeanu
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, pool-max, pre-word2vec, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair 1 Efficient Sentence Embedding using Discrete Cosine Transform Nada Almarwani, Hanan Aldarmaki, Mona Diab
2019 EMNLP # train-transfer, arch-att, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-lm 0 Pre-Training BERT on Domain Resources for Short Answer Grading Chul Sung, Tejas Dhamecha, Swarnadeep Saha, Tengfei Ma, Vinay Reddy, Rishi Arora
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, init-glorot, train-mll, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, search-greedy, search-beam, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 0 Deep Contextualized Word Embeddings in Transition-Based and Graph-Based Dependency Parsing - A Tale of Two Parsers Revisited Artur Kulmizev, Miryam de Lhoneux, Johannes Gontrum, Elena Fano, Joakim Nivre
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-stopping, reg-patience, train-transfer, train-active, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, comb-ensemble, pre-glove, pre-elmo, adv-examp, adv-train, task-lm 0 To Annotate or Not? Predicting Performance Drop under Domain Shift Hady Elsahar, Matthias Gallé
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 0 Transfer Fine-Tuning: A BERT Case Study Yuki Arase, Jun’ichi Tsujii
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, comb-ensemble, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass 0 Label Embedding using Hierarchical Structure of Labels for Twitter Classification Taro Miyazaki, Kiminobu Makino, Yuka Takei, Hiroki Okamoto, Jun Goto
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, struct-crf, latent-vae, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-tree 0 Semantic Role Labeling with Iterative Structure Refinement Chunchuan Lyu, Shay B. Cohen, Ivan Titov
2019 EMNLP # arch-lstm, arch-bilinear, arch-coverage, arch-subword, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-vae, task-textpair, task-lm 0 Unsupervised Labeled Parsing with Deep Inside-Outside Recursive Autoencoders Andrew Drozdov, Patrick Verga, Yi-Pei Chen, Mohit Iyyer, Andrew McCallum
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, optim-adam, train-mll, train-active, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-extractive, task-condlm, task-seq2seq 2 MoverScore: Text Generation Evaluating with Contextualized Embeddings and Earth Mover Distance Wei Zhao, Maxime Peyrard, Fei Liu, Yang Gao, Christian M. Meyer, Steffen Eger
2019 EMNLP # optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-transformer, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Shallow Domain Adaptive Embeddings for Sentiment Analysis Prathusha K Sarma, Yingyu Liang, William Sethares
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-bilinear, arch-coverage, pre-elmo, task-textpair, task-seq2seq 0 Query-focused Scenario Construction Su Wang, Greg Durrett, Katrin Erk
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, reg-patience, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-bilinear, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 6 SciBERT: A Pretrained Language Model for Scientific Text Iz Beltagy, Kyle Lo, Arman Cohan
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, train-mll, train-transfer, train-active, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-train, latent-vae, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-lexicon 2 Adversarial Learning with Contextual Embeddings for Zero-resource Cross-lingual Classification and NER Phillip Keung, Yichao Lu, Vikas Bhardwaj
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, task-seq2seq 0 Open Domain Web Keyphrase Extraction Beyond Language Modeling Lee Xiong, Chuan Hu, Chenyan Xiong, Daniel Campos, Arnold Overwijk
2019 EMNLP # arch-lstm, arch-att, search-beam, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Generating Natural Anagrams: Towards Language Generation Under Hard Combinatorial Constraints Masaaki Nishino, Sho Takase, Tsutomu Hirao, Masaaki Nagata
2019 EMNLP # arch-att, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Higher-order Comparisons of Sentence Encoder Representations Mostafa Abdou, Artur Kulmizev, Felix Hill, Daniel M. Low, Anders Søgaard
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, pool-mean, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-tree, task-lexicon 8 75 Languages, 1 Model: Parsing Universal Dependencies Universally Dan Kondratyuk, Milan Straka
2019 EMNLP # train-mtl, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-relation 0 A Context-based Framework for Modeling the Role and Function of On-line Resource Citations in Scientific Literature He Zhao, Zhunchen Luo, Chong Feng, Anqing Zheng, Xiaopeng Liu
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, optim-adam, optim-projection, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-lm, task-cloze 1 Visualizing and Understanding the Effectiveness of BERT Yaru Hao, Li Dong, Furu Wei, Ke Xu
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, init-glorot, reg-norm, train-mll, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm, task-relation 0 Specializing Word Embeddings (for Parsing) by Information Bottleneck Xiang Lisa Li, Jason Eisner
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-decay, norm-gradient, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm, meta-arch 0 Improved Differentiable Architecture Search for Language Modeling and Named Entity Recognition Yufan Jiang, Chi Hu, Tong Xiao, Chunliang Zhang, Jingbo Zhu
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-examp, adv-train, task-textpair, task-lm 0 A Logic-Driven Framework for Consistency of Neural Models Tao Li, Vivek Gupta, Maitrey Mehta, Vivek Srikumar
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-stopping, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-textclass, task-lm 0 Multi-Domain Goal-Oriented Dialogues (MultiDoGO): Strategies toward Curating and Annotating Large Scale Dialogue Data Denis Peskov, Nancy Clarke, Jason Krone, Brigi Fodor, Yi Zhang, Adel Youssef, Mona Diab
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-adadelta, optim-projection, init-glorot, reg-dropout, norm-layer, train-mtl, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-residual, arch-bilinear, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-tree 0 Syntax-Enhanced Self-Attention-Based Semantic Role Labeling Yue Zhang, Rui Wang, Luo Si
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-spanlab 0 Machine Reading Comprehension Using Structural Knowledge Graph-aware Network Delai Qiu, Yuanzhe Zhang, Xinwei Feng, Xiangwen Liao, Wenbin Jiang, Yajuan Lyu, Kang Liu, Jun Zhao
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, reg-stopping, reg-patience, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, search-viterbi, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, pre-bert 0 HARE: a Flexible Highlighting Annotator for Ranking and Exploration Denis Newman-Griffis, Eric Fosler-Lussier
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-gating, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq, meta-arch 1 NeuronBlocks: Building Your NLP DNN Models Like Playing Lego Ming Gong, Linjun Shou, Wutao Lin, Zhijie Sang, Quanjia Yan, Ze Yang, Feixiang Cheng, Daxin Jiang
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, init-glorot, reg-dropout, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, search-beam, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-spanlab, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-tree 1 A Multi-Type Multi-Span Network for Reading Comprehension that Requires Discrete Reasoning Minghao Hu, Yuxing Peng, Zhen Huang, Dongsheng Li
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-labelsmooth, arch-rnn, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-copy, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, search-beam, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-vae, task-seqlab, task-extractive, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 6 Text Summarization with Pretrained Encoders Yang Liu, Mirella Lapata
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, optim-adam, reg-stopping, train-mll, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 Retrofitting Contextualized Word Embeddings with Paraphrases Weijia Shi, Muhao Chen, Pei Zhou, Kai-Wei Chang
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-mtl, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-memo, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-tree 1 What’s Missing: A Knowledge Gap Guided Approach for Multi-hop Question Answering Tushar Khot, Ashish Sabharwal, Peter Clark
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, arch-lstm, arch-att, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-cloze 1 BERT for Coreference Resolution: Baselines and Analysis Mandar Joshi, Omer Levy, Luke Zettlemoyer, Daniel Weld
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, comb-ensemble, search-beam, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, adv-examp, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 8 Universal Adversarial Triggers for Attacking and Analyzing NLP Eric Wallace, Shi Feng, Nikhil Kandpal, Matt Gardner, Sameer Singh
2019 EMNLP # optim-projection, reg-dropout, reg-labelsmooth, arch-rnn, arch-gru, pre-elmo, task-seq2seq 0 Deep Ordinal Regression for Pledge Specificity Prediction Shivashankar Subramanian, Trevor Cohn, Timothy Baldwin
2019 EMNLP # train-mll, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-memo, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-vae, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Next Sentence Prediction helps Implicit Discourse Relation Classification within and across Domains Wei Shi, Vera Demberg
2019 EMNLP # arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-alignment 0 Recursive Context-Aware Lexical Simplification Sian Gooding, Ekaterina Kochmar
2019 EMNLP # optim-projection, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-bert, pre-use, adv-train, loss-cca, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 0 Multi-View Domain Adapted Sentence Embeddings for Low-Resource Unsupervised Duplicate Question Detection Nina Poerner, Hinrich Schütze
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-mll, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-cnn, arch-memo, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Evaluation Benchmarks and Learning Criteria for Discourse-Aware Sentence Representations Mingda Chen, Zewei Chu, Kevin Gimpel
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, pool-max, pool-mean, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-bilinear, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-tree 0 A Unified Neural Coherence Model Han Cheol Moon, Tasnim Mohiuddin, Shafiq Joty, Chi Xu
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, reg-dropout, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, latent-topic, task-tree 0 Negative Focus Detection via Contextual Attention Mechanism Longxiang Shen, Bowei Zou, Yu Hong, Guodong Zhou, Qiaoming Zhu, AiTi Aw
2019 NAA-CL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, pre-elmo, loss-cca, loss-svd, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 13 Understanding Learning Dynamics Of Language Models with SVCCA Naomi Saphra, Adam Lopez
2019 NAA-CL # reg-dropout, train-mtl, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, pre-elmo, task-lm, task-tree 1 Neural Constituency Parsing of Speech Transcripts Paria Jamshid Lou, Yufei Wang, Mark Johnson
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-stopping, train-augment, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-copy, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, search-beam, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-textpair, task-lm, task-condlm, task-seq2seq, task-tree 1 Improved Lexically Constrained Decoding for Translation and Monolingual Rewriting J. Edward Hu, Huda Khayrallah, Ryan Culkin, Patrick Xia, Tongfei Chen, Matt Post, Benjamin Van Durme
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-tree, task-lexicon, task-alignment 12 Cross-lingual Transfer Learning for Multilingual Task Oriented Dialog Sebastian Schuster, Sonal Gupta, Rushin Shah, Mike Lewis
2019 NAA-CL # optim-sgd, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, reg-patience, pool-max, pool-mean, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-subword, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm 27 Pooled Contextualized Embeddings for Named Entity Recognition Alan Akbik, Tanja Bergmann, Roland Vollgraf
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-cloze 19 BERT Post-Training for Review Reading Comprehension and Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis Hu Xu, Bing Liu, Lei Shu, Philip Yu
2019 NAA-CL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-lm 3 Recursive Routing Networks: Learning to Compose Modules for Language Understanding Ignacio Cases, Clemens Rosenbaum, Matthew Riemer, Atticus Geiger, Tim Klinger, Alex Tamkin, Olivia Li, Sandhini Agarwal, Joshua D. Greene, Dan Jurafsky, Christopher Potts, Lauri Karttunen
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, train-mtl, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-treelstm, arch-gnn, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 17 Star-Transformer Qipeng Guo, Xipeng Qiu, Pengfei Liu, Yunfan Shao, Xiangyang Xue, Zheng Zhang
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab 3 GraphIE: A Graph-Based Framework for Information Extraction Yujie Qian, Enrico Santus, Zhijing Jin, Jiang Guo, Regina Barzilay
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, train-mtl, train-mll, arch-att, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-use, latent-vae, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-seq2seq 2 Correlation Coefficients and Semantic Textual Similarity Vitalii Zhelezniak, Aleksandar Savkov, April Shen, Nils Hammerla
2019 NAA-CL # reg-dropout, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm, task-cloze 16 Utilizing BERT for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis via Constructing Auxiliary Sentence Chi Sun, Luyao Huang, Xipeng Qiu
2019 NAA-CL # train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, adv-train, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-seqlab, task-lm 1 Using Similarity Measures to Select Pretraining Data for NER Xiang Dai, Sarvnaz Karimi, Ben Hachey, Cecile Paris
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-patience, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, adv-train, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 51 Linguistic Knowledge and Transferability of Contextual Representations Nelson F. Liu, Matt Gardner, Yonatan Belinkov, Matthew E. Peters, Noah A. Smith
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adadelta, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-cnn, arch-att, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm 4 Structural Scaffolds for Citation Intent Classification in Scientific Publications Arman Cohan, Waleed Ammar, Madeleine van Zuylen, Field Cady
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, latent-vae, task-lm, task-seq2seq 4 In Other News: a Bi-style Text-to-speech Model for Synthesizing Newscaster Voice with Limited Data Nishant Prateek, Mateusz Łajszczak, Roberto Barra-Chicote, Thomas Drugman, Jaime Lorenzo-Trueba, Thomas Merritt, Srikanth Ronanki, Trevor Wood
2019 NAA-CL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-labelsmooth, norm-layer, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 10 Pre-trained language model representations for language generation Sergey Edunov, Alexei Baevski, Michael Auli
2019 NAA-CL # train-mll, arch-lstm, arch-subword, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, loss-svd, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-alignment 8 Context-Aware Cross-Lingual Mapping Hanan Aldarmaki, Mona Diab
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, optim-adagrad, optim-adadelta, optim-projection, reg-dropout, reg-norm, train-mll, train-active, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-gating, arch-bilinear, arch-subword, comb-ensemble, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-lexicon 7 Polyglot Contextual Representations Improve Crosslingual Transfer Phoebe Mulcaire, Jungo Kasai, Noah A. Smith
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-gating, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-train, task-relation 3 Learning to Denoise Distantly-Labeled Data for Entity Typing Yasumasa Onoe, Greg Durrett
2019 NAA-CL # init-glorot, train-mll, train-parallel, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, task-relation 2 Recursive Subtree Composition in LSTM-Based Dependency Parsing Miryam de Lhoneux, Miguel Ballesteros, Joakim Nivre
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-stopping, train-mtl, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 0 AutoSeM: Automatic Task Selection and Mixing in Multi-Task Learning Han Guo, Ramakanth Pasunuru, Mohit Bansal
2019 NAA-CL # arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-treelstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, pre-bert, pre-use, task-textpair, task-seq2seq, task-tree 4 Evaluating Coherence in Dialogue Systems using Entailment Nouha Dziri, Ehsan Kamalloo, Kory Mathewson, Osmar Zaiane
2019 NAA-CL # optim-sgd, optim-projection, reg-dropout, reg-decay, norm-gradient, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, latent-vae, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 2 Knowledge-Augmented Language Model and Its Application to Unsupervised Named-Entity Recognition Angli Liu, Jingfei Du, Veselin Stoyanov
2019 NAA-CL # optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mtl, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, search-beam, pre-elmo, struct-crf, adv-train, task-seqlab, task-relation 10 A general framework for information extraction using dynamic span graphs Yi Luan, Dave Wadden, Luheng He, Amy Shah, Mari Ostendorf, Hannaneh Hajishirzi
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, train-augment, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm 24 Gender Bias in Contextualized Word Embeddings Jieyu Zhao, Tianlu Wang, Mark Yatskar, Ryan Cotterell, Vicente Ordonez, Kai-Wei Chang
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, norm-gradient, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, struct-crf, adv-examp, adv-train, task-textclass, task-lm, task-condlm 3 Text Processing Like Humans Do: Visually Attacking and Shielding NLP Systems Steffen Eger, Gözde Gül Şahin, Andreas Rücklé, Ji-Ung Lee, Claudia Schulz, Mohsen Mesgar, Krishnkant Swarnkar, Edwin Simpson, Iryna Gurevych
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-bilinear, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-relation, task-tree 0 Decomposed Local Models for Coordinate Structure Parsing Hiroki Teranishi, Hiroyuki Shindo, Yuji Matsumoto
2019 NAA-CL # train-mll, arch-att, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-bert, loss-svd, task-seq2seq 0 Big BiRD: A Large, Fine-Grained, Bigram Relatedness Dataset for Examining Semantic Composition Shima Asaadi, Saif Mohammad, Svetlana Kiritchenko
2019 NAA-CL # arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-use, task-textclass, task-relation, task-tree 0 Outlier Detection for Improved Data Quality and Diversity in Dialog Systems Stefan Larson, Anish Mahendran, Andrew Lee, Jonathan K. Kummerfeld, Parker Hill, Michael A. Laurenzano, Johann Hauswald, Lingjia Tang, Jason Mars
2019 NAA-CL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-patience, arch-rnn, arch-birnn, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, struct-crf, adv-train, latent-vae, task-textclass, task-lm 6 Dialogue Act Classification with Context-Aware Self-Attention Vipul Raheja, Joel Tetreault
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-subword, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 43 A Structural Probe for Finding Syntax in Word Representations John Hewitt, Christopher D. Manning
2019 NAA-CL # optim-sgd, reg-dropout, train-mtl, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, comb-ensemble, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, nondif-reinforce, task-seq2seq, task-relation 7 Better, Faster, Stronger Sequence Tagging Constituent Parsers David Vilares, Mostafa Abdou, Anders Søgaard
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-gating, arch-bilinear, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 4 Multi-task Learning with Sample Re-weighting for Machine Reading Comprehension Yichong Xu, Xiaodong Liu, Yelong Shen, Jingjing Liu, Jianfeng Gao
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, search-beam, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, adv-examp, task-textpair, task-lm, task-condlm, task-seq2seq, task-alignment 9 PAWS: Paraphrase Adversaries from Word Scrambling Yuan Zhang, Jason Baldridge, Luheng He
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-elmo, struct-hmm, task-textpair, task-seq2seq 3 Incorporating Context and External Knowledge for Pronoun Coreference Resolution Hongming Zhang, Yan Song, Yangqiu Song
2019 NAA-CL # optim-sgd, train-mll, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-memo, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 2 One Size Does Not Fit All: Comparing NMT Representations of Different Granularities Nadir Durrani, Fahim Dalvi, Hassan Sajjad, Yonatan Belinkov, Preslav Nakov
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-bilinear, arch-subword, comb-ensemble, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, pre-bert, loss-nce, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-lexicon 12 Cross-Lingual Alignment of Contextual Word Embeddings, with Applications to Zero-shot Dependency Parsing Tal Schuster, Ori Ram, Regina Barzilay, Amir Globerson
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-memo, pre-elmo, task-spanlab, task-seq2seq 7 BAG: Bi-directional Attention Entity Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-hop Reasoning Question Answering Yu Cao, Meng Fang, Dacheng Tao
2019 NAA-CL # reg-dropout, reg-decay, train-mtl, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-copy, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-tree 20 Improving Grammatical Error Correction via Pre-Training a Copy-Augmented Architecture with Unlabeled Data Wei Zhao, Liang Wang, Kewei Shen, Ruoyu Jia, Jingming Liu
2019 NAA-CL # train-mll, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, comb-ensemble, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-paravec, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, task-seq2seq 0 Learning Outside the Box: Discourse-level Features Improve Metaphor Identification Jesse Mu, Helen Yannakoudakis, Ekaterina Shutova
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-decay, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-seqlab, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 3209 BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, Kristina Toutanova
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, pre-glove, pre-elmo 2 Ranking and Selecting Multi-Hop Knowledge Paths to Better Predict Human Needs Debjit Paul, Anette Frank