Year Conf. Topic Cited Paper Authors Url
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-transformer, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab 5 Neural Architectures for Nested NER through Linearization Jana Straková, Milan Straka, Jan Hajic
2019 ACL # reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, train-augment, arch-rnn, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-subword, arch-transformer, adv-examp, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 6 Robust Neural Machine Translation with Doubly Adversarial Inputs Yong Cheng, Lu Jiang, Wolfgang Macherey
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-copy, search-greedy, task-seq2seq, task-tree 16 Transferable Multi-Domain State Generator for Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems Chien-Sheng Wu, Andrea Madotto, Ehsan Hosseini-Asl, Caiming Xiong, Richard Socher, Pascale Fung
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, reg-stopping, reg-patience, train-mtl, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-bilinear, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-bert, task-relation, task-tree, task-graph, task-alignment 4 Compositional Semantic Parsing across Graphbanks Matthias Lindemann, Jonas Groschwitz, Alexander Koller
2019 ACL # reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, reg-labelsmooth, arch-att, arch-residual, arch-memo, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-bert, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Cross-Sentence Grammatical Error Correction Shamil Chollampatt, Weiqi Wang, Hwee Tou Ng
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, struct-cfg, adv-train, latent-vae, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Generating Sentences from Disentangled Syntactic and Semantic Spaces Yu Bao, Hao Zhou, Shujian Huang, Lei Li, Lili Mou, Olga Vechtomova, Xin-yu Dai, Jiajun Chen
2019 ACL # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, reg-stopping, train-mtl, arch-rnn, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-lm, task-condlm 1 Neural Legal Judgment Prediction in English Ilias Chalkidis, Ion Androutsopoulos, Nikolaos Aletras
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, latent-vae, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-tree 0 Syntax-Infused Variational Autoencoder for Text Generation Xinyuan Zhang, Yi Yang, Siyang Yuan, Dinghan Shen, Lawrence Carin
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, norm-gradient, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, latent-vae, task-lm 0 Better Exploiting Latent Variables in Text Modeling Canasai Kruengkrai
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, latent-vae, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-tree 0 Towards Generating Long and Coherent Text with Multi-Level Latent Variable Models Dinghan Shen, Asli Celikyilmaz, Yizhe Zhang, Liqun Chen, Xin Wang, Jianfeng Gao, Lawrence Carin
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, reg-stopping, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-fasttext, pre-bert, latent-vae, task-seqlab, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-tree 2 Unsupervised Question Answering by Cloze Translation Patrick Lewis, Ludovic Denoyer, Sebastian Riedel
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-fasttext, pre-bert, latent-vae, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 6 Style Transformer: Unpaired Text Style Transfer without Disentangled Latent Representation Ning Dai, Jianze Liang, Xipeng Qiu, Xuanjing Huang
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, struct-crf, task-relation 2 The (Non-)Utility of Structural Features in BiLSTM-based Dependency Parsers Agnieszka Falenska, Jonas Kuhn
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, reg-stopping, reg-patience, reg-labelsmooth, norm-layer, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-subword, arch-transformer, search-beam, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-alignment 5 Revisiting Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation: A Case Study Rico Sennrich, Biao Zhang
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, reg-norm, reg-decay, train-mtl, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-transformer, task-lm, task-seq2seq 2 Improved Language Modeling by Decoding the Past Siddhartha Brahma
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, train-augment, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, nondif-reinforce, task-textclass, task-seq2seq, task-tree 0 Automatically Learning Data Augmentation Policies for Dialogue Tasks Tong Niu, Mohit Bansal
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, train-augment, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-coverage, pre-word2vec, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Training Data Augmentation for Detecting Adverse Drug Reactions in User-Generated Content Sepideh Mesbah, Jie Yang, Robert-Jan Sips, Manuel Valle Torre, Christoph Lofi, Alessandro Bozzon, Geert-Jan Houben
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-cnn, arch-att, latent-vae, latent-topic, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 A Topic Augmented Text Generation Model: Joint Learning of Semantics and Structural Features Hongyin Tang, Miao Li, Beihong Jin
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-bert, loss-cca, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 1 The Bottom-up Evolution of Representations in the Transformer: A Study with Machine Translation and Language Modeling Objectives Elena Voita, Rico Sennrich, Ivan Titov
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, norm-gradient, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, latent-vae, task-textpair, task-lm 0 Enhancing Variational Autoencoders with Mutual Information Neural Estimation for Text Generation Dong Qian, William K. Cheung
2019 NAA-CL # optim-sgd, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, reg-patience, pool-max, pool-mean, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-subword, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm 27 Pooled Contextualized Embeddings for Named Entity Recognition Alan Akbik, Tanja Bergmann, Roland Vollgraf
2019 NAA-CL # init-glorot, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-glove, latent-topic, task-textpair, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-tree 1 No Permanent Friends or Enemies: Tracking Relationships between Nations from News Xiaochuang Han, Eunsol Choi, Chenhao Tan
2019 NAA-CL # reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, norm-layer, pool-max, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-transformer 5 Relation Extraction using Explicit Context Conditioning Gaurav Singh, Parminder Bhatia
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, norm-layer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, pre-glove, nondif-reinforce, latent-vae, task-lm, task-condlm, task-seq2seq, task-tree 4 SEQˆ3: Differentiable Sequence-to-Sequence-to-Sequence Autoencoder for Unsupervised Abstractive Sentence Compression Christos Baziotis, Ion Androutsopoulos, Ioannis Konstas, Alexandros Potamianos