Year Conf. Topic Cited Paper Authors Url
2019 ACL # arch-att, arch-copy, search-viterbi, pre-glove, task-extractive, task-seq2seq, task-relation 2 TalkSumm: A Dataset and Scalable Annotation Method for Scientific Paper Summarization Based on Conference Talks Guy Lev, Michal Shmueli-Scheuer, Jonathan Herzig, Achiya Jerbi, David Konopnicki
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-subword, search-viterbi, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Stochastic Tokenization with a Language Model for Neural Text Classification Tatsuya Hiraoka, Hiroyuki Shindo, Yuji Matsumoto
2019 ACL # optim-adagrad, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-gnn, arch-att, search-beam, search-viterbi, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, task-lm, task-relation 0 Multi-Relational Script Learning for Discourse Relations I-Ta Lee, Dan Goldwasser
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, search-viterbi, pre-fasttext, nondif-reinforce, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-lexicon, task-alignment 0 MAAM: A Morphology-Aware Alignment Model for Unsupervised Bilingual Lexicon Induction Pengcheng Yang, Fuli Luo, Peng Chen, Tianyu Liu, Xu Sun
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, pool-max, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-treelstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, search-beam, search-viterbi, pre-elmo, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq, task-tree 0 Span-Level Model for Relation Extraction Kalpit Dixit, Yaser Al-Onaizan
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-att, arch-coverage, comb-ensemble, search-viterbi, struct-crf, adv-train, task-textclass, task-seq2seq, task-relation 0 A Unified Multi-task Adversarial Learning Framework for Pharmacovigilance Mining Shweta Yadav, Asif Ekbal, Sriparna Saha, Pushpak Bhattacharyya
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, search-viterbi, nondif-straightthrough, nondif-reinforce, latent-vae, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm 3 Interpretable Neural Predictions with Differentiable Binary Variables Joost Bastings, Wilker Aziz, Ivan Titov
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-mll, train-transfer, train-active, arch-cnn, arch-att, search-viterbi, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-seqlab 0 Learning How to Active Learn by Dreaming Thuy-Trang Vu, Ming Liu, Dinh Phung, Gholamreza Haffari
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, arch-subword, comb-ensemble, search-beam, search-viterbi, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm 0 Cross-Domain Generalization of Neural Constituency Parsers Daniel Fried, Nikita Kitaev, Dan Klein
2019 ACL # arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-memo, search-viterbi, struct-crf, latent-vae, loss-nce, task-relation, task-tree 1 Enhancing Unsupervised Generative Dependency Parser with Contextual Information Wenjuan Han, Yong Jiang, Kewei Tu
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-treelstm, arch-bilinear, arch-coverage, search-viterbi, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-textpair, task-relation, task-tree 0 Automatic Generation of High Quality CCGbanks for Parser Domain Adaptation Masashi Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Noji, Koji Mineshima, Daisuke Bekki
2019 ACL # optim-adadelta, reg-dropout, train-mll, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gating, search-beam, search-viterbi, pre-elmo 0 Improving Open Information Extraction via Iterative Rank-Aware Learning Zhengbao Jiang, Pengcheng Yin, Graham Neubig
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-transformer, search-viterbi, pre-skipthought, pre-bert, struct-crf, latent-vae, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 2 Extracting Symptoms and their Status from Clinical Conversations Nan Du, Kai Chen, Anjuli Kannan, Linh Tran, Yuhui Chen, Izhak Shafran
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-copy, arch-coverage, comb-ensemble, search-beam, search-viterbi, pre-glove, loss-nce, task-seq2seq, task-graph 5 Constrained Decoding for Neural NLG from Compositional Representations in Task-Oriented Dialogue Anusha Balakrishnan, Jinfeng Rao, Kartikeya Upasani, Michael White, Rajen Subba
2019 ACL # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, norm-gradient, train-mtl, train-mll, pool-max, pool-mean, arch-rnn, arch-birnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, search-beam, search-viterbi, pre-glove, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm 3 GCDT: A Global Context Enhanced Deep Transition Architecture for Sequence Labeling Yijin Liu, Fandong Meng, Jinchao Zhang, Jinan Xu, Yufeng Chen, Jie Zhou
2019 ACL # optim-projection, pool-max, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-subword, search-viterbi, pre-fasttext, pre-bert, struct-crf 1 Who Sides with Whom? Towards Computational Construction of Discourse Networks for Political Debates Sebastian Padó, Andre Blessing, Nico Blokker, Erenay Dayanik, Sebastian Haunss, Jonas Kuhn
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, reg-norm, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, search-viterbi, pre-glove, pre-elmo, struct-crf, adv-train, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Cross-Domain NER using Cross-Domain Language Modeling Chen Jia, Xiaobo Liang, Yue Zhang
2019 ACL # reg-stopping, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-coverage, search-viterbi, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab 1 Towards Improving Neural Named Entity Recognition with Gazetteers Tianyu Liu, Jin-Ge Yao, Chin-Yew Lin
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, activ-tanh, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-memo, arch-bilinear, arch-energy, search-viterbi, struct-crf, latent-topic, task-seqlab, task-lm 1 DOER: Dual Cross-Shared RNN for Aspect Term-Polarity Co-Extraction Huaishao Luo, Tianrui Li, Bing Liu, Junbo Zhang
2019 ACL # search-viterbi 0 Variance of Average Surprisal: A Better Predictor for Quality of Grammar from Unsupervised PCFG Induction Lifeng Jin, William Schuler
2019 ACL # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, norm-layer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, comb-ensemble, search-viterbi, struct-crf, struct-cfg, latent-vae, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-graph 4 Compound Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars for Grammar Induction Yoon Kim, Chris Dyer, Alexander Rush
2019 ACL # arch-lstm, arch-att, comb-ensemble, search-beam, search-viterbi, struct-crf, latent-vae 1 We Need to Talk about Standard Splits Kyle Gorman, Steven Bedrick
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, search-viterbi, pre-word2vec, task-textpair, task-condlm 2 Weakly-Supervised Spatio-Temporally Grounding Natural Sentence in Video Zhenfang Chen, Lin Ma, Wenhan Luo, Kwan-Yee Kenneth Wong
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, comb-ensemble, search-beam, search-viterbi, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-lm 0 Multi-task Pairwise Neural Ranking for Hashtag Segmentation Mounica Maddela, Wei Xu, Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, train-active, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-bilinear, comb-ensemble, search-viterbi, pre-elmo, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-relation, task-tree 1 Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation for Dependency Parsing Zhenghua Li, Xue Peng, Min Zhang, Rui Wang, Luo Si
2019 ACL # optim-adam, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-coverage, comb-ensemble, search-viterbi, pre-elmo 5 Wide-Coverage Neural A* Parsing for Minimalist Grammars John Torr, Milos Stanojevic, Mark Steedman, Shay B. Cohen
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, reg-patience, train-mtl, train-mll, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-att, arch-gating, search-viterbi, pre-glove, struct-crf, adv-examp, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 Sentiment Tagging with Partial Labels using Modular Architectures Xiao Zhang, Dan Goldwasser
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-mtl, arch-rnn, arch-gru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-memo, search-beam, search-viterbi, nondif-reinforce, latent-vae, task-seq2seq 0 Low-Resource Response Generation with Template Prior Ze Yang, Wei Wu, Jian Yang, Can Xu, Zhoujun Li
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, train-active, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, comb-ensemble, search-viterbi, struct-crf, latent-vae, task-seqlab 1 A Bayesian Approach for Sequence Tagging with Crowds Edwin D. Simpson, Iryna Gurevych
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-bilinear, search-viterbi, pre-glove, pre-elmo, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-condlm 0 Phrase Grounding by Soft-Label Chain Conditional Random Field Jiacheng Liu, Julia Hockenmaier
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, init-glorot, train-mtl, train-mll, train-active, arch-rnn, arch-birnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-transformer, search-viterbi, pre-glove, struct-crf, adv-train, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 0 Hierarchically-Refined Label Attention Network for Sequence Labeling Leyang Cui, Yue Zhang
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gnn, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-memo, arch-transformer, search-viterbi, pre-word2vec, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-relation 1 A Lexicon-Based Graph Neural Network for Chinese NER Tao Gui, Yicheng Zou, Qi Zhang, Minlong Peng, Jinlan Fu, Zhongyu Wei, Xuanjing Huang
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, reg-dropout, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-subword, search-viterbi, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, struct-crf, latent-vae, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 A Regularization Approach for Incorporating Event Knowledge and Coreference Relations into Neural Discourse Parsing Zeyu Dai, Ruihong Huang
2019 EMNLP # train-mll, arch-subword, search-viterbi 0 Modeling Color Terminology Across Thousands of Languages Arya D. McCarthy, Winston Wu, Aaron Mueller, William Watson, David Yarowsky
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, norm-gradient, train-transfer, pool-max, pool-mean, arch-rnn, arch-birnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, search-viterbi, pre-glove, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 CM-Net: A Novel Collaborative Memory Network for Spoken Language Understanding Yijin Liu, Fandong Meng, Jinchao Zhang, Jie Zhou, Yufeng Chen, Jinan Xu
2019 EMNLP # reg-stopping, train-mtl, train-active, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, search-viterbi, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-hmm, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Similarity Based Auxiliary Classifier for Named Entity Recognition Shiyuan Xiao, Yuanxin Ouyang, Wenge Rong, Jianxin Yang, Zhang Xiong
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mtl, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, search-viterbi, pre-word2vec, pre-skipthought, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 0 Learning to Infer Entities, Properties and their Relations from Clinical Conversations Nan Du, Mingqiu Wang, Linh Tran, Gang Lee, Izhak Shafran
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-subword, arch-transformer, search-viterbi, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, loss-nce, task-seqlab, task-lm 0 Effective Use of Transformer Networks for Entity Tracking Aditya Gupta, Greg Durrett
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, search-viterbi, struct-crf 0 Event Detection with Trigger-Aware Lattice Neural Network Ning Ding, Ziran Li, Zhiyuan Liu, Haitao Zheng, Zibo Lin
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mll, arch-att, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, search-viterbi, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-lexicon 0 Hierarchical Meta-Embeddings for Code-Switching Named Entity Recognition Genta Indra Winata, Zhaojiang Lin, Jamin Shin, Zihan Liu, Pascale Fung
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-copy, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, search-viterbi, struct-crf, task-seqlab 1 Doc2EDAG: An End-to-End Document-level Framework for Chinese Financial Event Extraction Shun Zheng, Wei Cao, Wei Xu, Jiang Bian
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-mll, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, search-viterbi, struct-crf, latent-vae, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq 1 Learning Explicit and Implicit Structures for Targeted Sentiment Analysis Hao Li, Wei Lu
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, init-glorot, reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-birnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-memo, search-viterbi, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-relation 0 Enhancing Dialogue Symptom Diagnosis with Global Attention and Symptom Graph Xinzhu Lin, Xiahui He, Qin Chen, Huaixiao Tou, Zhongyu Wei, Ting Chen
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, reg-stopping, reg-patience, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, search-viterbi, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, pre-bert 0 HARE: a Flexible Highlighting Annotator for Ranking and Exploration Denis Newman-Griffis, Eric Fosler-Lussier
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, optim-adam, reg-norm, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, search-viterbi, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-seqlab 0 Leverage Lexical Knowledge for Chinese Named Entity Recognition via Collaborative Graph Network Dianbo Sui, Yubo Chen, Kang Liu, Jun Zhao, Shengping Liu
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, comb-ensemble, search-beam, search-viterbi, pre-bert, struct-hmm, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq 0 Leveraging Medical Literature for Section Prediction in Electronic Health Records Sara Rosenthal, Ken Barker, Zhicheng Liang
2019 NAA-CL # reg-norm, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, search-viterbi, struct-hmm, struct-crf, latent-vae, task-seqlab 4 Better Modeling of Incomplete Annotations for Named Entity Recognition Zhanming Jie, Pengjun Xie, Wei Lu, Ruixue Ding, Linlin Li
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-mll, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-subword, search-viterbi, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 3 Neural Semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields for Robust Character-Based Part-of-Speech Tagging Apostolos Kemos, Heike Adel, Hinrich Schütze
2019 NAA-CL # reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-memo, arch-bilinear, arch-coverage, arch-subword, search-beam, search-viterbi, struct-crf, latent-topic, task-textpair, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Incorporating Word Attention into Character-Based Word Segmentation Shohei Higashiyama, Masao Utiyama, Eiichiro Sumita, Masao Ideuchi, Yoshiaki Oida, Yohei Sakamoto, Isaac Okada
2019 NAA-CL # optim-sgd, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, search-viterbi, pre-word2vec, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-seqlab 1 An Encoding Strategy Based Word-Character LSTM for Chinese NER Wei Liu, Tongge Xu, Qinghua Xu, Jiayu Song, Yueran Zu
2019 NAA-CL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-gating, arch-energy, search-viterbi, pre-word2vec, pre-skipthought, struct-hmm, struct-crf, adv-train, task-textclass, task-seq2seq 0 Adaptation of Hierarchical Structured Models for Speech Act Recognition in Asynchronous Conversation Tasnim Mohiuddin, Thanh-Tung Nguyen, Shafiq Joty
2019 NAA-CL # reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-mtl, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, search-beam, search-viterbi, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, struct-crf, adv-examp, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 Benchmarking Approximate Inference Methods for Neural Structured Prediction Lifu Tu, Kevin Gimpel
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, search-viterbi, loss-svd, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Enabling Real-time Neural IME with Incremental Vocabulary Selection Jiali Yao, Raphael Shu, Xinjian Li, Katsutoshi Ohtsuki, Hideki Nakayama
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, arch-att, search-viterbi, task-tree, task-graph 3 The problem with probabilistic DAG automata for semantic graphs Ieva Vasiljeva, Sorcha Gilroy, Adam Lopez
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-stopping, train-mtl, pool-mean, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-coverage, search-viterbi, pre-glove, struct-crf, task-relation, task-tree, task-alignment 2 Target-oriented Opinion Words Extraction with Target-fused Neural Sequence Labeling Zhifang Fan, Zhen Wu, Xin-Yu Dai, Shujian Huang, Jiajun Chen
2019 NAA-CL # optim-sgd, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-copy, search-beam, search-viterbi, pre-glove, latent-vae, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 1 Benchmarking Hierarchical Script Knowledge Yonatan Bisk, Jan Buys, Karl Pichotta, Yejin Choi
2019 NAA-CL # arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, comb-ensemble, search-viterbi, pre-word2vec, struct-hmm, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm 0 Improving Cross-Domain Chinese Word Segmentation with Word Embeddings Yuxiao Ye, Weikang Li, Yue Zhang, Likun Qiu, Jian Sun