Year Conf. Topic Cited Paper Authors Url
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-subword, task-lm, task-seq2seq 3 Multimodal Abstractive Summarization for How2 Videos Shruti Palaskar, Jindřich Libovický, Spandana Gella, Florian Metze
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-bert, task-extractive, task-lm, task-context 0 Self-Supervised Learning for Contextualized Extractive Summarization Hong Wang, Xin Wang, Wenhan Xiong, Mo Yu, Xiaoxiao Guo, Shiyu Chang, William Yang Wang
2019 ACL # train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-bilinear 0 Reversing Gradients in Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Question Deduplication and Textual Entailment Tasks Anush Kamath, Sparsh Gupta, Vitor Carvalho
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-bilinear, arch-subword, pre-fasttext, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-relation 0 Cross-Lingual Syntactic Transfer through Unsupervised Adaptation of Invertible Projections Junxian He, Zhisong Zhang, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick, Graham Neubig
2019 ACL # train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 An Investigation of Transfer Learning-Based Sentiment Analysis in Japanese Enkhbold Bataa, Joshua Wu
2019 ACL # optim-projection, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-birnn, arch-lstm, arch-coverage, pre-glove, struct-hmm, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-seqlab 0 A Joint Named-Entity Recognizer for Heterogeneous Tag-sets Using a Tag Hierarchy Genady Beryozkin, Yoel Drori, Oren Gilon, Tzvika Hartman, Idan Szpektor
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, train-transfer, train-augment, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-textclass, task-condlm 7 Mitigating Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing: Literature Review Tony Sun, Andrew Gaut, Shirlyn Tang, Yuxin Huang, Mai ElSherief, Jieyu Zhao, Diba Mirza, Elizabeth Belding, Kai-Wei Chang, William Yang Wang
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, arch-transformer, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 4 Cross-Lingual Training for Automatic Question Generation Vishwajeet Kumar, Nitish Joshi, Arijit Mukherjee, Ganesh Ramakrishnan, Preethi Jyothi
2019 ACL # norm-layer, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-att, arch-subword, arch-transformer, task-textclass, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 5 Large-Scale Transfer Learning for Natural Language Generation Sergey Golovanov, Rauf Kurbanov, Sergey Nikolenko, Kyryl Truskovskyi, Alexander Tselousov, Thomas Wolf
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, norm-gradient, train-mll, train-transfer, activ-relu, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-subword, comb-ensemble, pre-fasttext, pre-skipthought, latent-vae, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 0 Exploiting Invertible Decoders for Unsupervised Sentence Representation Learning Shuai Tang, Virginia R. de Sa
2019 ACL # optim-projection, reg-stopping, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-subword, comb-ensemble, pre-fasttext, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-lexicon 3 Massively Multilingual Transfer for NER Afshin Rahimi, Yuan Li, Trevor Cohn
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, search-viterbi, pre-fasttext, nondif-reinforce, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-lexicon, task-alignment 0 MAAM: A Morphology-Aware Alignment Model for Unsupervised Bilingual Lexicon Induction Pengcheng Yang, Fuli Luo, Peng Chen, Tianyu Liu, Xu Sun
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-att, arch-coverage, comb-ensemble, search-viterbi, struct-crf, adv-train, task-textclass, task-seq2seq, task-relation 0 A Unified Multi-task Adversarial Learning Framework for Pharmacovigilance Mining Shweta Yadav, Asif Ekbal, Sriparna Saha, Pushpak Bhattacharyya
2019 ACL # init-glorot, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, pre-glove, loss-nce 0 Toward Comprehensive Understanding of a Sentiment Based on Human Motives Naoki Otani, Eduard Hovy
2019 ACL # train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-coverage, adv-train, task-seq2seq 0 Adversarial Domain Adaptation Using Artificial Titles for Abstractive Title Generation Francine Chen, Yan-Ying Chen
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, pre-glove, task-lm 0 Detecting Concealed Information in Text and Speech Shengli Hu
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-amsgrad, optim-projection, reg-stopping, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 0 Can You Tell Me How to Get Past Sesame Street? Sentence-Level Pretraining Beyond Language Modeling Alex Wang, Jan Hula, Patrick Xia, Raghavendra Pappagari, R. Thomas McCoy, Roma Patel, Najoung Kim, Ian Tenney, Yinghui Huang, Katherin Yu, Shuning Jin, Berlin Chen, Benjamin Van Durme, Edouard Grave, Ellie Pavlick, Samuel R. Bowman
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-subword, pre-fasttext, adv-train, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-lexicon 1 Unsupervised Bilingual Word Embedding Agreement for Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation Haipeng Sun, Rui Wang, Kehai Chen, Masao Utiyama, Eiichiro Sumita, Tiejun Zhao
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, norm-layer, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, task-seq2seq, task-relation 1 Neural Machine Translation with Reordering Embeddings Kehai Chen, Rui Wang, Masao Utiyama, Eiichiro Sumita
2019 ACL # init-glorot, train-transfer, comb-ensemble, pre-word2vec, adv-train, task-lexicon 0 Automatic Domain Adaptation Outperforms Manual Domain Adaptation for Predicting Financial Outcomes Marina Sedinkina, Nikolas Breitkopf, Hinrich Schütze
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-subword, pre-glove, struct-crf, task-seqlab 3 Joint Entity Extraction and Assertion Detection for Clinical Text Parminder Bhatia, Busra Celikkaya, Mohammed Khalilia
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-memo, struct-crf, task-textclass 3 Transfer Capsule Network for Aspect Level Sentiment Classification Zhuang Chen, Tieyun Qian
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-transfer, arch-gru, arch-gcnn, arch-cnn, arch-att, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Hierarchical Transfer Learning for Multi-label Text Classification Siddhartha Banerjee, Cem Akkaya, Francisco Perez-Sorrosal, Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis
2019 ACL # train-transfer, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-bert, adv-train, task-relation 6 Extracting Multiple-Relations in One-Pass with Pre-Trained Transformers Haoyu Wang, Ming Tan, Mo Yu, Shiyu Chang, Dakuo Wang, Kun Xu, Xiaoxiao Guo, Saloni Potdar
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-coverage, task-lm 1 How Large Are Lions? Inducing Distributions over Quantitative Attributes Yanai Elazar, Abhijit Mahabal, Deepak Ramachandran, Tania Bedrax-Weiss, Dan Roth
2019 ACL # optim-projection, train-transfer, task-lm, task-tree 0 Zero-Shot Semantic Parsing for Instructions Ofer Givoli, Roi Reichart
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-mll, train-transfer, train-active, arch-cnn, arch-att, search-viterbi, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-seqlab 0 Learning How to Active Learn by Dreaming Thuy-Trang Vu, Ming Liu, Dinh Phung, Gholamreza Haffari
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-subword, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 Dynamically Composing Domain-Data Selection with Clean-Data Selection by “Co-Curricular Learning” for Neural Machine Translation Wei Wang, Isaac Caswell, Ciprian Chelba
2019 ACL # train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, search-beam, nondif-reinforce, loss-nce, task-seq2seq, task-tree 0 Unified Semantic Parsing with Weak Supervision Priyanka Agrawal, Ayushi Dalmia, Parag Jain, Abhishek Bansal, Ashish Mittal, Karthik Sankaranarayanan
2019 ACL # init-glorot, train-transfer, train-active, arch-lstm 0 Budgeted Policy Learning for Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems Zhirui Zhang, Xiujun Li, Jianfeng Gao, Enhong Chen
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, norm-batch, norm-gradient, train-transfer, pool-mean, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-memo, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, loss-cca, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-alignment 1 Multimodal and Multi-view Models for Emotion Recognition Gustavo Aguilar, Viktor Rozgic, Weiran Wang, Chao Wang
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, train-active, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, pre-glove, task-seq2seq, meta-init 5 Domain Adaptive Dialog Generation via Meta Learning Kun Qian, Zhou Yu
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-transformer, struct-cfg, adv-train, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-tree 0 Language Modeling with Shared Grammar Yuyu Zhang, Le Song
2019 ACL # reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-treelstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-subword, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 10 Is Word Segmentation Necessary for Deep Learning of Chinese Representations? Xiaoya Li, Yuxian Meng, Xiaofei Sun, Qinghong Han, Arianna Yuan, Jiwei Li
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, pre-elmo, loss-svd, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq, meta-arch 1 Continual and Multi-Task Architecture Search Ramakanth Pasunuru, Mohit Bansal
2019 ACL # init-glorot, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-train, latent-topic, task-textclass, task-lm 1 Zero-Shot Entity Linking by Reading Entity Descriptions Lajanugen Logeswaran, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, Kristina Toutanova, Jacob Devlin, Honglak Lee
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-treelstm, arch-bilinear, arch-coverage, search-viterbi, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-textpair, task-relation, task-tree 0 Automatic Generation of High Quality CCGbanks for Parser Domain Adaptation Masashi Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Noji, Koji Mineshima, Daisuke Bekki
2019 ACL # optim-adadelta, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-birnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-memo, comb-ensemble, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, adv-train, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Distilling Discrimination and Generalization Knowledge for Event Detection via Delta-Representation Learning Yaojie Lu, Hongyu Lin, Xianpei Han, Le Sun
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, pre-glove, task-seqlab 0 Automatically Identifying Complaints in Social Media Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro, Mihaela Gaman, Nikolaos Aletras
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, optim-projection, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, meta-init 1 Few-Shot Representation Learning for Out-Of-Vocabulary Words Ziniu Hu, Ting Chen, Kai-Wei Chang, Yizhou Sun
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-labelsmooth, train-transfer, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-copy, arch-bilinear, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, search-greedy, search-beam, pre-glove, task-spanlab, task-seq2seq, task-tree 1 Complex Question Decomposition for Semantic Parsing Haoyu Zhang, Jingjing Cai, Jianjun Xu, Ji Wang
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-memo, pre-glove, latent-topic, task-lm, task-alignment 1 Towards Automating Healthcare Question Answering in a Noisy Multilingual Low-Resource Setting Jeanne E. Daniel, Willie Brink, Ryan Eloff, Charles Copley
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, optim-projection, train-transfer, arch-coverage, pre-glove, loss-svd, task-textpair 6 Inferring Concept Hierarchies from Text Corpora via Hyperbolic Embeddings Matthew Le, Stephen Roller, Laetitia Papaxanthos, Douwe Kiela, Maximilian Nickel
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-subword, pre-fasttext, adv-train, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-lm 0 Neural Temporality Adaptation for Document Classification: Diachronic Word Embeddings and Domain Adaptation Models Xiaolei Huang, Michael J. Paul
2019 ACL # train-transfer, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 Domain Adaptive Inference for Neural Machine Translation Danielle Saunders, Felix Stahlberg, Adrià de Gispert, Bill Byrne
2019 ACL # train-mll, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-att, arch-coverage, loss-nce, task-textclass, task-seq2seq 4 CONAN - COunter NArratives through Nichesourcing: a Multilingual Dataset of Responses to Fight Online Hate Speech Yi-Ling Chung, Elizaveta Kuzmenko, Serra Sinem Tekiroglu, Marco Guerini
2019 ACL # reg-dropout, train-transfer, train-active, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-textclass, task-seqlab 1 The Language of Legal and Illegal Activity on the Darknet Leshem Choshen, Dan Eldad, Daniel Hershcovich, Elior Sulem, Omri Abend
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-train, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 2 Fine-tuning Pre-Trained Transformer Language Models to Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction Christoph Alt, Marc Hübner, Leonhard Hennig
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-copy, arch-coverage, comb-ensemble, search-beam, search-viterbi, pre-glove, loss-nce, task-seq2seq, task-graph 5 Constrained Decoding for Neural NLG from Compositional Representations in Task-Oriented Dialogue Anusha Balakrishnan, Jinfeng Rao, Kartikeya Upasani, Michael White, Rajen Subba
2019 ACL # init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-subword, arch-transformer, task-lm, task-seq2seq 5 Improved Zero-shot Neural Machine Translation via Ignoring Spurious Correlations Jiatao Gu, Yong Wang, Kyunghyun Cho, Victor O.K. Li
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-transfer, train-active, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-subword, search-beam, task-seq2seq 0 Self-Regulated Interactive Sequence-to-Sequence Learning Julia Kreutzer, Stefan Riezler
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-copy, search-beam, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-tree 1 Semantic Parsing with Dual Learning Ruisheng Cao, Su Zhu, Chen Liu, Jieyu Li, Kai Yu
2019 ACL # reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-cnn, arch-att, adv-train, task-seqlab 0 Exploiting Entity BIO Tag Embeddings and Multi-task Learning for Relation Extraction with Imbalanced Data Wei Ye, Bo Li, Rui Xie, Zhonghao Sheng, Long Chen, Shikun Zhang
2019 ACL # train-transfer, arch-cnn, pre-glove, pre-bert 0 Towards Multimodal Sarcasm Detection (An _Obviously_ Perfect Paper) Santiago Castro, Devamanyu Hazarika, Verónica Pérez-Rosas, Roger Zimmermann, Rada Mihalcea, Soujanya Poria
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, pre-glove, task-spanlab, task-seq2seq 2 Explicit Utilization of General Knowledge in Machine Reading Comprehension Chao Wang, Hui Jiang
2019 ACL # reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-bert, task-lm 0 BERT-based Lexical Substitution Wangchunshu Zhou, Tao Ge, Ke Xu, Furu Wei, Ming Zhou
2019 ACL # reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-att, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-word2vec, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 4 Open Vocabulary Learning for Neural Chinese Pinyin IME Zhuosheng Zhang, Yafang Huang, Hai Zhao
2019 ACL # train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, pre-glove, adv-examp, adv-train, task-textclass 68 Generating Natural Language Adversarial Examples through Probability Weighted Word Saliency Shuhuai Ren, Yihe Deng, Kun He, Wanxiang Che
2019 ACL # train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-vae, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 6 Pretraining Methods for Dialog Context Representation Learning Shikib Mehri, Evgeniia Razumovskaia, Tiancheng Zhao, Maxine Eskenazi
2019 ACL # train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 4 BAM! Born-Again Multi-Task Networks for Natural Language Understanding Kevin Clark, Minh-Thang Luong, Urvashi Khandelwal, Christopher D. Manning, Quoc V. Le
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, struct-cfg, adv-train, latent-vae, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Generating Sentences from Disentangled Syntactic and Semantic Spaces Yu Bao, Hao Zhou, Shujian Huang, Lei Li, Lili Mou, Olga Vechtomova, Xin-yu Dai, Jiajun Chen
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, arch-transformer, loss-margin, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Self-Supervised Neural Machine Translation Dana Ruiter, Cristina España-Bonet, Josef van Genabith
2019 ACL # train-transfer, arch-coverage, pre-word2vec, adv-examp, latent-topic, loss-nce, task-textclass, task-textpair 1 SherLIiC: A Typed Event-Focused Lexical Inference Benchmark for Evaluating Natural Language Inference Martin Schmitt, Hinrich Schütze
2019 ACL # optim-adagrad, train-mtl, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-residual, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo 0 Employing the Correspondence of Relations and Connectives to Identify Implicit Discourse Relations via Label Embeddings Linh The Nguyen, Linh Van Ngo, Khoat Than, Thien Huu Nguyen
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, reg-norm, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, search-viterbi, pre-glove, pre-elmo, struct-crf, adv-train, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Cross-Domain NER using Cross-Domain Language Modeling Chen Jia, Xiaobo Liang, Yue Zhang
2019 ACL # train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, struct-crf, task-lm, task-tree 0 Rationally Reappraising ATIS-based Dialogue Systems Jingcheng Niu, Gerald Penn
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-transformer, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab 0 Label-Agnostic Sequence Labeling by Copying Nearest Neighbors Sam Wiseman, Karl Stratos
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-mll, train-transfer, activ-tanh, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-cnn, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-bert, task-lm, task-condlm, task-seq2seq 2 Like a Baby: Visually Situated Neural Language Acquisition Alexander Ororbia, Ankur Mali, Matthew Kelly, David Reitter
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-adadelta, norm-gradient, train-mtl, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-subword, arch-transformer, search-beam, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 Gated Embeddings in End-to-End Speech Recognition for Conversational-Context Fusion Suyoun Kim, Siddharth Dalmia, Florian Metze
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-stopping, norm-layer, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, arch-copy, arch-transformer, search-beam, latent-vae, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-tree 4 Decomposable Neural Paraphrase Generation Zichao Li, Xin Jiang, Lifeng Shang, Qun Liu
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-memo, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-bert, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-alignment 3 XQA: A Cross-lingual Open-domain Question Answering Dataset Jiahua Liu, Yankai Lin, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun
2019 ACL # train-mll, train-transfer, pool-max, pool-mean, arch-rnn, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, task-textclass, task-seq2seq 4 Exploiting Sentential Context for Neural Machine Translation Xing Wang, Zhaopeng Tu, Longyue Wang, Shuming Shi
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-patience, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-gating, pre-glove, struct-crf, adv-train, loss-nce, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-lm 0 Multi-Task Networks with Universe, Group, and Task Feature Learning Shiva Pentyala, Mengwen Liu, Markus Dreyer
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-decay, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-memo, comb-ensemble, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 StRE: Self Attentive Edit Quality Prediction in Wikipedia Soumya Sarkar, Bhanu Prakash Reddy, Sandipan Sikdar, Animesh Mukherjee
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, pool-max, pool-kmax, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-subword, comb-ensemble, pre-fasttext, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-lexicon, task-alignment 0 Improving Low-Resource Cross-lingual Document Retrieval by Reranking with Deep Bilingual Representations Rui Zhang, Caitlin Westerfield, Sungrok Shim, Garrett Bingham, Alexander Fabbri, William Hu, Neha Verma, Dragomir Radev
2019 ACL # train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-subword, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Literary Event Detection Matthew Sims, Jong Ho Park, David Bamman
2019 ACL # train-mll, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-att, arch-subword, task-lm, task-seq2seq 2 Target Conditioned Sampling: Optimizing Data Selection for Multilingual Neural Machine Translation Xinyi Wang, Graham Neubig
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-subword, pre-fasttext, pre-bert, adv-examp, adv-train, latent-vae, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-seq2seq 0 Soft Representation Learning for Sparse Transfer Haeju Park, Jinyoung Yeo, Gengyu Wang, Seung-won Hwang
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-mtl, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-fasttext, adv-train, loss-svd, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-lexicon, task-alignment 1 Domain Adaptation of Neural Machine Translation by Lexicon Induction Junjie Hu, Mengzhou Xia, Graham Neubig, Jaime Carbonell
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-coverage, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, loss-svd, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-lexicon, task-alignment 0 A Multilingual BPE Embedding Space for Universal Sentiment Lexicon Induction Mengjie Zhao, Hinrich Schütze
2019 ACL # init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-att, pre-elmo, loss-cca, task-seq2seq 2 Fine-Grained Temporal Relation Extraction Siddharth Vashishtha, Benjamin Van Durme, Aaron Steven White
2019 ACL # train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, comb-ensemble, struct-crf 1 Cost-sensitive Regularization for Label Confusion-aware Event Detection Hongyu Lin, Yaojie Lu, Xianpei Han, Le Sun
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-residual, arch-gating, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, search-beam, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 5 Multi-style Generative Reading Comprehension Kyosuke Nishida, Itsumi Saito, Kosuke Nishida, Kazutoshi Shinoda, Atsushi Otsuka, Hisako Asano, Junji Tomita
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, adv-train, loss-nce, task-seqlab, task-relation 2 Reinforced Training Data Selection for Domain Adaptation Miaofeng Liu, Yan Song, Hongbin Zou, Tong Zhang
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-treelstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, arch-transformer, search-beam, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq, task-relation 5 Lattice-Based Transformer Encoder for Neural Machine Translation Fengshun Xiao, Jiangtong Li, Hai Zhao, Rui Wang, Kehai Chen
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-decay, reg-labelsmooth, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, search-beam, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 1 A Simple and Effective Approach to Automatic Post-Editing with Transfer Learning Gonçalo M. Correia, André F. T. Martins
2019 ACL # optim-adagrad, reg-decay, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, pre-glove, adv-train, task-textpair, task-seqlab 5 OpenDialKG: Explainable Conversational Reasoning with Attention-based Walks over Knowledge Graphs Seungwhan Moon, Pararth Shah, Anuj Kumar, Rajen Subba
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, arch-transformer, search-beam, pre-fasttext, adv-train, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-lexicon 5 Effective Cross-lingual Transfer of Neural Machine Translation Models without Shared Vocabularies Yunsu Kim, Yingbo Gao, Hermann Ney
2019 ACL # optim-projection, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-coverage, arch-subword, struct-crf, adv-train, latent-topic, task-textclass, task-lexicon 1 A Resource-Free Evaluation Metric for Cross-Lingual Word Embeddings Based on Graph Modularity Yoshinari Fujinuma, Jordan Boyd-Graber, Michael J. Paul
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-adadelta, init-glorot, reg-dropout, norm-gradient, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gnn, arch-att, arch-energy, search-beam, pre-glove, struct-crf, nondif-minrisk, task-textclass, task-seq2seq 3 Joint Type Inference on Entities and Relations via Graph Convolutional Networks Changzhi Sun, Yeyun Gong, Yuanbin Wu, Ming Gong, Daxin Jiang, Man Lan, Shiliang Sun, Nan Duan
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-memo, task-seq2seq 1 Learning to Control the Fine-grained Sentiment for Story Ending Generation Fuli Luo, Damai Dai, Pengcheng Yang, Tianyu Liu, Baobao Chang, Zhifang Sui, Xu Sun
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, task-tree 1 Pre-Learning Environment Representations for Data-Efficient Neural Instruction Following David Gaddy, Dan Klein
2019 ACL # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-lstm, adv-train, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 0 Task Refinement Learning for Improved Accuracy and Stability of Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Yftah Ziser, Roi Reichart
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, comb-ensemble, pre-glove, pre-bert, adv-examp, adv-train, task-textpair 17 Probing Neural Network Comprehension of Natural Language Arguments Timothy Niven, Hung-Yu Kao
2019 ACL # train-transfer, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-alignment 1 Sentence-Level Agreement for Neural Machine Translation Mingming Yang, Rui Wang, Kehai Chen, Masao Utiyama, Eiichiro Sumita, Min Zhang, Tiejun Zhao
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, init-glorot, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-cnn, arch-att, comb-ensemble, adv-train, latent-vae, latent-topic, task-textclass, task-seq2seq 0 Semi-supervised Stochastic Multi-Domain Learning using Variational Inference Yitong Li, Timothy Baldwin, Trevor Cohn
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Encouraging Paragraph Embeddings to Remember Sentence Identity Improves Classification Tu Vu, Mohit Iyyer
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, pre-bert, task-relation 0 Graph based Neural Networks for Event Factuality Prediction using Syntactic and Semantic Structures Amir Pouran Ben Veyseh, Thien Huu Nguyen, Dejing Dou
2019 ACL # optim-adam, norm-layer, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, arch-transformer, search-beam, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 A Compact and Language-Sensitive Multilingual Translation Method Yining Wang, Long Zhou, Jiajun Zhang, Feifei Zhai, Jingfang Xu, Chengqing Zong
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-cnn, arch-att, comb-ensemble, struct-crf, task-seq2seq, task-tree 2 Robust Zero-Shot Cross-Domain Slot Filling with Example Values Darsh Shah, Raghav Gupta, Amir Fayazi, Dilek Hakkani-Tur
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-cnn, comb-ensemble, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-lm 0 A Surprisingly Robust Trick for the Winograd Schema Challenge Vid Kocijan, Ana-Maria Cretu, Oana-Maria Camburu, Yordan Yordanov, Thomas Lukasiewicz
2019 ACL # reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, pre-word2vec, pre-bert, struct-crf, latent-topic, task-seqlab, task-relation 2 Neural Aspect and Opinion Term Extraction with Mined Rules as Weak Supervision Hongliang Dai, Yangqiu Song
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, struct-crf, adv-train, task-seqlab, task-lm 2 Adversarial Multitask Learning for Joint Multi-Feature and Multi-Dialect Morphological Modeling Nasser Zalmout, Nizar Habash
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-cloze 116 Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks for Natural Language Understanding Xiaodong Liu, Pengcheng He, Weizhu Chen, Jianfeng Gao
2019 ACL # train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-topic, task-lm 2 Diachronic Sense Modeling with Deep Contextualized Word Embeddings: An Ecological View Renfen Hu, Shen Li, Shichen Liang
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, train-mll, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-bert, loss-svd, task-textclass, task-lm 0 Self-Attentive, Multi-Context One-Class Classification for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection on Text Lukas Ruff, Yury Zemlyanskiy, Robert Vandermeulen, Thomas Schnake, Marius Kloft
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, norm-gradient, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, pre-word2vec, struct-crf, adv-examp, adv-train, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 5 Dual Adversarial Neural Transfer for Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition Joey Tianyi Zhou, Hao Zhang, Di Jin, Hongyuan Zhu, Meng Fang, Rick Siow Mong Goh, Kenneth Kwok
2019 ACL # reg-stopping, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-att, pre-glove, pre-bert, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-tree 12 MultiQA: An Empirical Investigation of Generalization and Transfer in Reading Comprehension Alon Talmor, Jonathan Berant
2019 ACL # train-mll, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-fasttext, loss-svd, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-lexicon 1 Generalized Data Augmentation for Low-Resource Translation Mengzhou Xia, Xiang Kong, Antonios Anastasopoulos, Graham Neubig
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, train-active, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-bilinear, comb-ensemble, search-viterbi, pre-elmo, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-relation, task-tree 1 Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation for Dependency Parsing Zhenghua Li, Xue Peng, Min Zhang, Rui Wang, Luo Si
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-coverage, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-lm, task-cloze 0 Topic Sensitive Attention on Generic Corpora Corrects Sense Bias in Pretrained Embeddings Vihari Piratla, Sunita Sarawagi, Soumen Chakrabarti
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-labelsmooth, train-transfer, activ-relu, pool-max, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-bert, latent-topic, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq 2 Zero-shot Word Sense Disambiguation using Sense Definition Embeddings Sawan Kumar, Sharmistha Jat, Karan Saxena, Partha Talukdar
2019 ACL # train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-transformer, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 2 Exploring Pre-trained Language Models for Event Extraction and Generation Sen Yang, Dawei Feng, Linbo Qiao, Zhigang Kan, Dongsheng Li
2019 ACL # train-transfer, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-copy, arch-subword, arch-transformer, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 5 Strategies for Structuring Story Generation Angela Fan, Mike Lewis, Yann Dauphin
2019 ACL # train-transfer, arch-cnn, pre-glove, task-textclass, task-seqlab 8 Celebrity Profiling Matti Wiegmann, Benno Stein, Martin Potthast
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, init-glorot, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-att, comb-ensemble, adv-train, task-textclass 0 Learning Transferable Feature Representations Using Neural Networks Himanshu Sharad Bhatt, Shourya Roy, Arun Rajkumar, Sriranjani Ramakrishnan
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, train-active, pool-max, pool-mean, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-gating, arch-subword, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 Low-resource Deep Entity Resolution with Transfer and Active Learning Jungo Kasai, Kun Qian, Sairam Gurajada, Yunyao Li, Lucian Popa
2019 ACL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seq2seq, task-relation 3 A Unified Linear-Time Framework for Sentence-Level Discourse Parsing Xiang Lin, Shafiq Joty, Prathyusha Jwalapuram, M Saiful Bari
2019 ACL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-elmo, adv-train, loss-svd, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-lexicon, task-alignment 1 Unsupervised Multilingual Word Embedding with Limited Resources using Neural Language Models Takashi Wada, Tomoharu Iwata, Yuji Matsumoto
2019 ACL # optim-projection, train-mll, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-bilinear, arch-subword, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 4 Choosing Transfer Languages for Cross-Lingual Learning Yu-Hsiang Lin, Chian-Yu Chen, Jean Lee, Zirui Li, Yuyan Zhang, Mengzhou Xia, Shruti Rijhwani, Junxian He, Zhisong Zhang, Xuezhe Ma, Antonios Anastasopoulos, Patrick Littell, Graham Neubig
2019 ACL # optim-adam, train-mll, train-transfer, train-parallel, arch-gru, arch-subword, adv-train, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq, task-lexicon, task-alignment 0 Better OOV Translation with Bilingual Terminology Mining Matthias Huck, Viktor Hangya, Alexander Fraser
2019 ACL # optim-adam, optim-projection, init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-subword, pre-fasttext, pre-paravec, pre-bert, struct-crf, adv-train, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq, task-tree, task-lexicon, task-alignment 3 Multi-Source Cross-Lingual Model Transfer: Learning What to Share Xilun Chen, Ahmed Hassan Awadallah, Hany Hassan, Wei Wang, Claire Cardie
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, search-beam, pre-glove, pre-bert, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Robust Navigation with Language Pretraining and Stochastic Sampling Xiujun Li, Chunyuan Li, Qiaolin Xia, Yonatan Bisk, Asli Celikyilmaz, Jianfeng Gao, Noah A. Smith, Yejin Choi
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-att, arch-selfatt, comb-ensemble, pre-bert, task-spanlab 6 A Span-Extraction Dataset for Chinese Machine Reading Comprehension Yiming Cui, Ting Liu, Wanxiang Che, Li Xiao, Zhipeng Chen, Wentao Ma, Shijin Wang, Guoping Hu
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, optim-projection, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, norm-layer, train-mll, train-transfer, train-parallel, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-bert, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 Simple, Scalable Adaptation for Neural Machine Translation Ankur Bapna, Orhan Firat
2019 EMNLP # reg-stopping, train-transfer, arch-transformer, latent-topic, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 2 Distributionally Robust Language Modeling Yonatan Oren, Shiori Sagawa, Tatsunori Hashimoto, Percy Liang
2019 EMNLP # train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-subword, arch-transformer, search-beam, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 “Transforming” Delete, Retrieve, Generate Approach for Controlled Text Style Transfer Akhilesh Sudhakar, Bhargav Upadhyay, Arjun Maheswaran
2019 EMNLP # train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-skipthought, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 Improving Neural Story Generation by Targeted Common Sense Grounding Huanru Henry Mao, Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder, Julian McAuley, Garrison Cottrell
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, reg-decay, train-mll, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, struct-crf, task-seqlab 1 Low-Resource Name Tagging Learned with Weakly Labeled Data Yixin Cao, Zikun Hu, Tat-seng Chua, Zhiyuan Liu, Heng Ji
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-vae, task-spanlab 0 Answering questions by learning to rank - Learning to rank by answering questions George Sebastian Pirtoaca, Traian Rebedea, Stefan Ruseti
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-norm, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-subword, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-bert, latent-topic, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-lexicon 0 Cross-Cultural Transfer Learning for Text Classification Dor Ringel, Gal Lavee, Ido Guy, Kira Radinsky
2019 EMNLP # train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-copy, arch-subword, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Don’t Just Scratch the Surface: Enhancing Word Representations for Korean with Hanja Kang Min Yoo, Taeuk Kim, Sang-goo Lee
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, reg-decay, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-subword, search-beam, task-seq2seq, task-alignment 0 HABLex: Human Annotated Bilingual Lexicons for Experiments in Machine Translation Brian Thompson, Rebecca Knowles, Xuan Zhang, Huda Khayrallah, Kevin Duh, Philipp Koehn
2019 EMNLP # init-glorot, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, norm-gradient, train-transfer, train-augment, train-parallel, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-copy, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, search-beam, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 2 Denoising based Sequence-to-Sequence Pre-training for Text Generation Liang Wang, Wei Zhao, Ruoyu Jia, Sujian Li, Jingming Liu
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-mll, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-subword, search-beam, loss-svd, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 Pivot-based Transfer Learning for Neural Machine Translation between Non-English Languages Yunsu Kim, Petre Petrov, Pavel Petrushkov, Shahram Khadivi, Hermann Ney
2019 EMNLP # optim-projection, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-train, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-cloze 4 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Contextualized Embeddings for Sequence Labeling Xiaochuang Han, Jacob Eisenstein
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gnn, arch-cnn, arch-att, pre-fasttext, task-textclass 0 PRADO: Projection Attention Networks for Document Classification On-Device Prabhu Kaliamoorthi, Sujith Ravi, Zornitsa Kozareva
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-decay, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, loss-nce, task-textpair, task-alignment 0 A Gated Self-attention Memory Network for Answer Selection Tuan Lai, Quan Hung Tran, Trung Bui, Daisuke Kihara
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-coverage, arch-subword, task-lm, task-lexicon 1 Lost in Evaluation: Misleading Benchmarks for Bilingual Dictionary Induction Yova Kementchedjhieva, Mareike Hartmann, Anders Søgaard
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-memo, pre-bert, adv-train, latent-topic, task-lexicon 1 Contrastive Language Adaptation for Cross-Lingual Stance Detection Mitra Mohtarami, James Glass, Preslav Nakov
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, pre-fasttext, pre-bert, loss-margin, loss-triplet, task-lm, task-condlm, task-seq2seq 0 Multi-Head Attention with Diversity for Learning Grounded Multilingual Multimodal Representations Po-Yao Huang, Xiaojun Chang, Alexander Hauptmann
2019 EMNLP # train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-subword, pre-fasttext, struct-crf, adv-train, latent-vae, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq, task-lexicon 1 Zero-shot Cross-lingual Dialogue Systems with Transferable Latent Variables Zihan Liu, Jamin Shin, Yan Xu, Genta Indra Winata, Peng Xu, Andrea Madotto, Pascale Fung
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-transformer, pre-word2vec, pre-bert, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-tree 0 A Syntax-aware Multi-task Learning Framework for Chinese Semantic Role Labeling Qingrong Xia, Zhenghua Li, Min Zhang
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-subword, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze, task-alignment 4 Unicoder: A Universal Language Encoder by Pre-training with Multiple Cross-lingual Tasks Haoyang Huang, Yaobo Liang, Nan Duan, Ming Gong, Linjun Shou, Daxin Jiang, Ming Zhou
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, train-mll, train-transfer, pool-mean, arch-att, arch-transformer, pre-fasttext, pre-bert, loss-cca, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-lexicon 0 Zero-shot Reading Comprehension by Cross-lingual Transfer Learning with Multi-lingual Language Representation Model Tsung-Yuan Hsu, Chi-Liang Liu, Hung-yi Lee
2019 EMNLP # train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-word2vec, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Multi-Task Learning for Chemical Named Entity Recognition with Chemical Compound Paraphrasing Taiki Watanabe, Akihiro Tamura, Takashi Ninomiya, Takuya Makino, Tomoya Iwakura
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, reg-worddropout, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-cnn, arch-att, latent-vae, latent-topic, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 A Topic Augmented Text Generation Model: Joint Learning of Semantics and Structural Features Hongyin Tang, Miao Li, Beihong Jin
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, reg-decay, train-mll, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-seqlab, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze, task-relation 22 Beto, Bentz, Becas: The Surprising Cross-Lingual Effectiveness of BERT Shijie Wu, Mark Dredze
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-att, arch-transformer, search-beam, pre-word2vec, task-lm, task-condlm, task-seq2seq 2 Decoupled Box Proposal and Featurization with Ultrafine-Grained Semantic Labels Improve Image Captioning and Visual Question Answering Soravit Changpinyo, Bo Pang, Piyush Sharma, Radu Soricut
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-bert, task-seq2seq 0 MoEL: Mixture of Empathetic Listeners Zhaojiang Lin, Andrea Madotto, Jamin Shin, Peng Xu, Pascale Fung
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-att, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, search-beam, adv-train, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq, task-graph 0 Iterative Dual Domain Adaptation for Neural Machine Translation Jiali Zeng, Yang Liu, Jinsong Su, Yubing Ge, Yaojie Lu, Yongjing Yin, Jiebo Luo
2019 EMNLP # train-transfer, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-gating, arch-transformer, pre-bert 0 Humor Detection: A Transformer Gets the Last Laugh Orion Weller, Kevin Seppi
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, norm-gradient, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, pre-glove, task-seq2seq, task-tree 0 Data Augmentation with Atomic Templates for Spoken Language Understanding Zijian Zhao, Su Zhu, Kai Yu
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-transfer, train-active, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, search-beam, pre-fasttext, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-lm, task-condlm, task-seq2seq 14 Learning to Speak and Act in a Fantasy Text Adventure Game Jack Urbanek, Angela Fan, Siddharth Karamcheti, Saachi Jain, Samuel Humeau, Emily Dinan, Tim Rocktäschel, Douwe Kiela, Arthur Szlam, Jason Weston
2019 EMNLP # optim-adagrad, optim-projection, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-memo, task-seq2seq 4 CAN: Constrained Attention Networks for Multi-Aspect Sentiment Analysis Mengting Hu, Shiwan Zhao, Li Zhang, Keke Cai, Zhong Su, Renhong Cheng, Xiaowei Shen
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-bilinear, arch-coverage, task-lm, task-relation 0 Towards Zero-shot Language Modeling Edoardo Maria Ponti, Ivan Vulić, Ryan Cotterell, Roi Reichart, Anna Korhonen
2019 EMNLP # train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-att, comb-ensemble, pre-bert, task-extractive, task-lm, task-cloze 0 AMPERSAND: Argument Mining for PERSuAsive oNline Discussions Tuhin Chakrabarty, Christopher Hidey, Smaranda Muresan, Kathy McKeown, Alyssa Hwang
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, norm-gradient, train-transfer, pool-max, pool-mean, arch-rnn, arch-birnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, search-viterbi, pre-glove, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 CM-Net: A Novel Collaborative Memory Network for Spoken Language Understanding Yijin Liu, Fandong Meng, Jinchao Zhang, Jie Zhou, Yufeng Chen, Jinan Xu
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-memo, adv-train 0 Domain Adaptation for Person-Job Fit with Transferable Deep Global Match Network Shuqing Bian, Wayne Xin Zhao, Yang Song, Tao Zhang, Ji-Rong Wen
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-copy, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-train, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 2 Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Machine Reading Comprehension Huazheng Wang, Zhe Gan, Xiaodong Liu, Jingjing Liu, Jianfeng Gao, Hongning Wang
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-cnn, arch-att, pre-glove, task-relation 0 Looking Beyond Label Noise: Shifted Label Distribution Matters in Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction Qinyuan Ye, Liyuan Liu, Maosen Zhang, Xiang Ren
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-copy, arch-coverage, comb-ensemble, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, latent-vae, task-seq2seq, task-tree 0 Data-Efficient Goal-Oriented Conversation with Dialogue Knowledge Transfer Networks Igor Shalyminov, Sungjin Lee, Arash Eshghi, Oliver Lemon
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-cnn, arch-transformer, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 0 Cross-lingual intent classification in a low resource industrial setting Talaat Khalil, Kornel Kiełczewski, Georgios Christos Chouliaras, Amina Keldibek, Maarten Versteegh
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-mll, train-transfer, activ-tanh, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, comb-ensemble, pre-word2vec, adv-train, loss-svd, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-alignment 0 Neural Cross-Lingual Relation Extraction Based on Bilingual Word Embedding Mapping Jian Ni, Radu Florian
2019 EMNLP # optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, comb-ensemble, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq 0 Fine-grained Knowledge Fusion for Sequence Labeling Domain Adaptation Huiyun Yang, Shujian Huang, Xin-Yu Dai, Jiajun Chen
2019 EMNLP # train-mll, train-transfer, struct-crf, task-relation, task-alignment 0 A Regularization-based Framework for Bilingual Grammar Induction Yong Jiang, Wenjuan Han, Kewei Tu
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-birnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, arch-transformer, search-greedy, search-beam, latent-vae, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-tree 0 Latent Part-of-Speech Sequences for Neural Machine Translation Xuewen Yang, Yingru Liu, Dongliang Xie, Xin Wang, Niranjan Balasubramanian
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-subword, task-seq2seq 1 Controlling Text Complexity in Neural Machine Translation Sweta Agrawal, Marine Carpuat
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, pre-skipthought, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq, meta-init 0 Investigating Meta-Learning Algorithms for Low-Resource Natural Language Understanding Tasks Zi-Yi Dou, Keyi Yu, Antonios Anastasopoulos
2019 EMNLP # optim-amsgrad, reg-dropout, reg-decay, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-coverage, comb-ensemble, search-beam, task-relation 0 A Search-based Neural Model for Biomedical Nested and Overlapping Event Detection Kurt Junshean Espinosa, Makoto Miwa, Sophia Ananiadou
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-decay, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-subword, arch-transformer, search-beam, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 The FLORES Evaluation Datasets for Low-Resource Machine Translation: Nepali–English and Sinhala–English Francisco Guzmán, Peng-Jen Chen, Myle Ott, Juan Pino, Guillaume Lample, Philipp Koehn, Vishrav Chaudhary, Marc’Aurelio Ranzato
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, comb-ensemble, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, loss-nce, task-textclass, task-lm, task-cloze 0 Multi-Granularity Representations of Dialog Shikib Mehri, Maxine Eskenazi
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-lstm, task-textclass 1 Rethinking Cooperative Rationalization: Introspective Extraction and Complement Control Mo Yu, Shiyu Chang, Yang Zhang, Tommi Jaakkola
2019 EMNLP # train-transfer, arch-gru, task-lm, task-condlm, task-seq2seq 1 Domain Adaptive Text Style Transfer Dianqi Li, Yizhe Zhang, Zhe Gan, Yu Cheng, Chris Brockett, Bill Dolan, Ming-Ting Sun
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-memo, pre-glove, pre-bert, latent-vae 0 Transfer Learning Between Related Tasks Using Expected Label Proportions Matan Ben Noach, Yoav Goldberg
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-lstm, latent-vae, task-lm 0 Neural Gaussian Copula for Variational Autoencoder Prince Zizhuang Wang, William Yang Wang
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-transformer, pre-bert, task-spanlab, task-lm 11 Social IQa: Commonsense Reasoning about Social Interactions Maarten Sap, Hannah Rashkin, Derek Chen, Ronan Le Bras, Yejin Choi
2019 EMNLP # optim-adadelta, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-memo, arch-subword, pre-glove, latent-topic, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Rethinking Attribute Representation and Injection for Sentiment Classification Reinald Kim Amplayo
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, search-viterbi, struct-crf 0 Event Detection with Trigger-Aware Lattice Neural Network Ning Ding, Ziran Li, Zhiyuan Liu, Haitao Zheng, Zibo Lin
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-lexicon 0 Multilingual and Multi-Aspect Hate Speech Analysis Nedjma Ousidhoum, Zizheng Lin, Hongming Zhang, Yangqiu Song, Dit-Yan Yeung
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-glove, adv-train, latent-topic, task-textclass, task-seq2seq 0 Adaptive Ensembling: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Political Document Analysis Shrey Desai, Barea Sinno, Alex Rosenfeld, Junyi Jessy Li
2019 EMNLP # train-mll, train-transfer, latent-topic 0 A Multilingual Topic Model for Learning Weighted Topic Links Across Corpora with Low Comparability Weiwei Yang, Jordan Boyd-Graber, Philip Resnik
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-att, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-bert, loss-cca, loss-svd, task-lm, task-seq2seq 4 Investigating Multilingual NMT Representations at Scale Sneha Kudugunta, Ankur Bapna, Isaac Caswell, Orhan Firat
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, init-glorot, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-memo, adv-train 0 Domain-Invariant Feature Distillation for Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification Mengting Hu, Yike Wu, Shiwan Zhao, Honglei Guo, Renhong Cheng, Zhong Su
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, optim-adam, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, search-beam, pre-bert, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 0 Text Genre and Training Data Size in Human-like Parsing John Hale, Adhiguna Kuncoro, Keith Hall, Chris Dyer, Jonathan Brennan
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-subword, pre-fasttext 0 Uncover Sexual Harassment Patterns from Personal Stories by Joint Key Element Extraction and Categorization Yingchi Liu, Quanzhi Li, Marika Cifor, Xiaozhong Liu, Qiong Zhang, Luo Si
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-subword, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, loss-nce, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-cloze 0 Multi-label Categorization of Accounts of Sexism using a Neural Framework Pulkit Parikh, Harika Abburi, Pinkesh Badjatiya, Radhika Krishnan, Niyati Chhaya, Manish Gupta, Vasudeva Varma
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, init-glorot, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-train, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-tree 0 Transductive Learning of Neural Language Models for Syntactic and Semantic Analysis Hiroki Ouchi, Jun Suzuki, Kentaro Inui
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, arch-transformer, pre-bert, struct-crf, adv-train, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-lexicon 0 Low-Resource Sequence Labeling via Unsupervised Multilingual Contextualized Representations Zuyi Bao, Rui Huang, Chen Li, Kenny Zhu
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-use, adv-train, task-textpair, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 IMaT: Unsupervised Text Attribute Transfer via Iterative Matching and Translation Zhijing Jin, Di Jin, Jonas Mueller, Nicholas Matthews, Enrico Santus
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, train-transfer, train-parallel, arch-att, arch-transformer, task-seq2seq 1 Exploiting Multilingualism through Multistage Fine-Tuning for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation Raj Dabre, Atsushi Fujita, Chenhui Chu
2019 EMNLP # reg-stopping, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-train, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 A Robust Self-Learning Framework for Cross-Lingual Text Classification Xin Dong, Gerard de Melo
2019 EMNLP # optim-projection, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-lm, task-condlm 0 Do Nuclear Submarines Have Nuclear Captains? A Challenge Dataset for Commonsense Reasoning over Adjectives and Objects James Mullenbach, Jonathan Gordon, Nanyun Peng, Jonathan May
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, optim-adam, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, comb-ensemble, adv-feat, adv-train, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Pushing the Limits of Low-Resource Morphological Inflection Antonios Anastasopoulos, Graham Neubig
2019 EMNLP # train-transfer, arch-att, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-lm 0 Pre-Training BERT on Domain Resources for Short Answer Grading Chul Sung, Tejas Dhamecha, Swarnadeep Saha, Tengfei Ma, Vinay Reddy, Rishi Arora
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-transfer, pool-mean, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-gnn, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, arch-bilinear, pre-word2vec, pre-bert, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-tree 0 Leveraging Dependency Forest for Neural Medical Relation Extraction Linfeng Song, Yue Zhang, Daniel Gildea, Mo Yu, Zhiguo Wang, Jinsong Su
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-decay, norm-gradient, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-coverage, nondif-reinforce, task-extractive, task-spanlab, task-condlm, task-seq2seq 0 Reading Like HER: Human Reading Inspired Extractive Summarization Ling Luo, Xiang Ao, Yan Song, Feiyang Pan, Min Yang, Qing He
2019 EMNLP # optim-projection, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-gnn, arch-att, pre-bert, adv-train 1 FewRel 2.0: Towards More Challenging Few-Shot Relation Classification Tianyu Gao, Xu Han, Hao Zhu, Zhiyuan Liu, Peng Li, Maosong Sun, Jie Zhou
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-cnn, arch-att, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-seq2seq 0 HMEAE: Hierarchical Modular Event Argument Extraction Xiaozhi Wang, Ziqi Wang, Xu Han, Zhiyuan Liu, Juanzi Li, Peng Li, Maosong Sun, Jie Zhou, Xiang Ren
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-stopping, reg-patience, train-transfer, train-active, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, comb-ensemble, pre-glove, pre-elmo, adv-examp, adv-train, task-lm 0 To Annotate or Not? Predicting Performance Drop under Domain Shift Hady Elsahar, Matthias Gallé
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, optim-adam, optim-projection, init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-lstm, arch-treelstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-subword, pre-fasttext, adv-train, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-alignment 0 Cross-lingual Structure Transfer for Relation and Event Extraction Ananya Subburathinam, Di Lu, Heng Ji, Jonathan May, Shih-Fu Chang, Avirup Sil, Clare Voss
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-rnn, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-transformer, pre-bert, pre-use, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 0 Keep Calm and Switch On! Preserving Sentiment and Fluency in Semantic Text Exchange Steven Y. Feng, Aaron W. Li, Jesse Hoey
2019 EMNLP # init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, pre-bert 0 Joint Event and Temporal Relation Extraction with Shared Representations and Structured Prediction Rujun Han, Qiang Ning, Nanyun Peng
2019 EMNLP # train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, adv-feat, adv-train, latent-topic, task-textclass, task-seq2seq, task-lexicon, task-alignment 0 Topics to Avoid: Demoting Latent Confounds in Text Classification Sachin Kumar, Shuly Wintner, Noah A. Smith, Yulia Tsvetkov
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 0 Transfer Fine-Tuning: A BERT Case Study Yuki Arase, Jun’ichi Tsujii
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, comb-ensemble, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass 0 Label Embedding using Hierarchical Structure of Labels for Twitter Classification Taro Miyazaki, Kiminobu Makino, Yuka Takei, Hiroki Okamoto, Jun Goto
2019 EMNLP # train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-gnn, arch-att, task-textclass, task-relation 0 Hierarchical Attention Prototypical Networks for Few-Shot Text Classification Shengli Sun, Qingfeng Sun, Kevin Zhou, Tengchao Lv
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, task-textclass 0 A Label Informative Wide & Deep Classifier for Patents and Papers Muyao Niu, Jie Cai
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, pre-bert, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 The Woman Worked as a Babysitter: On Biases in Language Generation Emily Sheng, Kai-Wei Chang, Premkumar Natarajan, Nanyun Peng
2019 EMNLP # optim-projection, reg-stopping, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-copy, pre-bert, task-seq2seq 0 Towards Realistic Practices In Low-Resource Natural Language Processing: The Development Set Katharina Kann, Kyunghyun Cho, Samuel R. Bowman
2019 EMNLP # init-glorot, train-transfer, pool-mean, arch-gru, arch-att, pre-bert, task-seq2seq 0 WSLLN:Weakly Supervised Natural Language Localization Networks Mingfei Gao, Larry Davis, Richard Socher, Caiming Xiong
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-subword, pre-word2vec, pre-bert, loss-nce, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Combining Unsupervised Pre-training and Annotator Rationales to Improve Low-shot Text Classification Oren Melamud, Mihaela Bornea, Ken Barker
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, optim-projection, reg-dropout, norm-gradient, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-subword, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lexicon 0 What Matters for Neural Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition: An Empirical Analysis Xiaolei Huang, Jonathan May, Nanyun Peng
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, train-active, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, search-beam, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-seqlab 2 Practical Obstacles to Deploying Active Learning David Lowell, Zachary C. Lipton, Byron C. Wallace
2019 EMNLP # optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-transformer, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Shallow Domain Adaptive Embeddings for Sentiment Analysis Prathusha K Sarma, Yingyu Liang, William Sethares
2019 EMNLP # train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-subword, arch-transformer, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Neural Machine Translation with Domain-Aware Feature Embeddings Zi-Yi Dou, Junjie Hu, Antonios Anastasopoulos, Graham Neubig
2019 EMNLP # train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, pre-bert, adv-feat, adv-train 0 Adversarial Removal of Demographic Attributes Revisited Maria Barrett, Yova Kementchedjhieva, Yanai Elazar, Desmond Elliott, Anders Søgaard
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-labelsmooth, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 0 Cross-lingual Transfer Learning with Data Selection for Large-Scale Spoken Language Understanding Quynh Do, Judith Gaspers
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, reg-patience, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-bilinear, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 6 SciBERT: A Pretrained Language Model for Scientific Text Iz Beltagy, Kyle Lo, Arman Cohan
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, train-mll, train-transfer, train-active, pre-elmo, pre-bert, adv-train, latent-vae, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-lexicon 2 Adversarial Learning with Contextual Embeddings for Zero-resource Cross-lingual Classification and NER Phillip Keung, Yichao Lu, Vikas Bhardwaj
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, adv-train 0 Open Relation Extraction: Relational Knowledge Transfer from Supervised Data to Unsupervised Data Ruidong Wu, Yuan Yao, Xu Han, Ruobing Xie, Zhiyuan Liu, Fen Lin, Leyu Lin, Maosong Sun
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, init-glorot, train-mll, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-lstm, arch-transformer, pre-fasttext, pre-bert, loss-nce, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 0 A systematic comparison of methods for low-resource dependency parsing on genuinely low-resource languages Clara Vania, Yova Kementchedjhieva, Anders Søgaard, Adam Lopez
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, pool-mean, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, arch-transformer, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-tree, task-lexicon 8 75 Languages, 1 Model: Parsing Universal Dependencies Universally Dan Kondratyuk, Milan Straka
2019 EMNLP # optim-sgd, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-gru, arch-att, pre-word2vec, latent-vae, task-seq2seq 0 Modeling Personalization in Continuous Space for Response Generation via Augmented Wasserstein Autoencoders Zhangming Chan, Juntao Li, Xiaopeng Yang, Xiuying Chen, Wenpeng Hu, Dongyan Zhao, Rui Yan
2019 EMNLP # train-transfer, arch-att, latent-topic, task-lm 0 Chameleon: A Language Model Adaptation Toolkit for Automatic Speech Recognition of Conversational Speech Yuanfeng Song, Di Jiang, Weiwei Zhao, Qian Xu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Qiang Yang
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-stopping, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-elmo, task-textclass, task-lm 0 Multi-Domain Goal-Oriented Dialogues (MultiDoGO): Strategies toward Curating and Annotating Large Scale Dialogue Data Denis Peskov, Nancy Clarke, Jason Krone, Brigi Fodor, Yi Zhang, Adel Youssef, Mona Diab
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, loss-svd, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq, task-lexicon, task-alignment 0 Neural Cross-Lingual Event Detection with Minimal Parallel Resources Jian Liu, Yubo Chen, Kang Liu, Jun Zhao
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-memo, arch-bilinear, pre-word2vec, struct-crf, adv-train, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq 3 Transferable End-to-End Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Selective Adversarial Learning Zheng Li, Xin Li, Ying Wei, Lidong Bing, Yu Zhang, Qiang Yang
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-att, comb-ensemble, search-beam, search-viterbi, pre-bert, struct-hmm, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq 0 Leveraging Medical Literature for Section Prediction in Electronic Health Records Sara Rosenthal, Ken Barker, Zhicheng Liang
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-gru, arch-att, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 How to Build User Simulators to Train RL-based Dialog Systems Weiyan Shi, Kun Qian, Xuewei Wang, Zhou Yu
2019 EMNLP # train-transfer, train-augment, arch-att, arch-copy, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, task-seq2seq 0 Abstract Text Summarization: A Low Resource Challenge Shantipriya Parida, Petr Motlicek
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, nondif-reinforce, adv-examp, task-textclass, task-seq2seq 0 Adversarial Reprogramming of Text Classification Neural Networks Paarth Neekhara, Shehzeen Hussain, Shlomo Dubnov, Farinaz Koushanfar
2019 EMNLP # reg-dropout, reg-norm, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-bilinear, pre-word2vec, pre-bert, latent-topic, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Leveraging Just a Few Keywords for Fine-Grained Aspect Detection Through Weakly Supervised Co-Training Giannis Karamanolakis, Daniel Hsu, Luis Gravano
2019 EMNLP # optim-projection, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-memo, search-greedy, pre-glove, task-seq2seq, task-tree 0 Look-up and Adapt: A One-shot Semantic Parser Zhichu Lu, Forough Arabshahi, Igor Labutov, Tom Mitchell
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, train-mll, train-transfer, train-active, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-subword, struct-crf, latent-topic, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq 1 A Little Annotation does a Lot of Good: A Study in Bootstrapping Low-resource Named Entity Recognizers Aditi Chaudhary, Jiateng Xie, Zaid Sheikh, Graham Neubig, Jaime Carbonell
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-coverage, arch-subword, pre-fasttext, loss-svd, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-lexicon, task-alignment 0 Do We Really Need Fully Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Embeddings? Ivan Vulić, Goran Glavaš, Roi Reichart, Anna Korhonen
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-rnn, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-copy, arch-subword, comb-ensemble, search-beam, pre-bert, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Exploiting Monolingual Data at Scale for Neural Machine Translation Lijun Wu, Yiren Wang, Yingce Xia, Tao Qin, Jianhuang Lai, Tie-Yan Liu
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-transformer, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-bert, pre-use, loss-triplet, task-textpair 5 Sentence-BERT: Sentence Embeddings using Siamese BERT-Networks Nils Reimers, Iryna Gurevych
2019 EMNLP # optim-projection, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-word2vec, pre-fasttext, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-bert, pre-use, adv-train, loss-cca, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 0 Multi-View Domain Adapted Sentence Embeddings for Low-Resource Unsupervised Duplicate Question Detection Nina Poerner, Hinrich Schütze
2019 EMNLP # optim-adam, reg-stopping, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-copy, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, pre-bert, adv-train, latent-topic, task-lm 0 Neural Duplicate Question Detection without Labeled Training Data Andreas Rücklé, Nafise Sadat Moosavi, Iryna Gurevych
2019 NAA-CL # train-transfer, arch-subword, task-lm, task-seq2seq 5 Reinforcement Learning based Curriculum Optimization for Neural Machine Translation Gaurav Kumar, George Foster, Colin Cherry, Maxim Krikun
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-bilinear, pre-glove, latent-vae 3 Be Consistent! Improving Procedural Text Comprehension using Label Consistency Xinya Du, Bhavana Dalvi, Niket Tandon, Antoine Bosselut, Wen-tau Yih, Peter Clark, Claire Cardie
2019 NAA-CL # optim-projection, train-transfer, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 Detecting dementia in Mandarin Chinese using transfer learning from a parallel corpus Bai Li, Yi-Te Hsu, Frank Rudzicz
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-tree, task-lexicon, task-alignment 12 Cross-lingual Transfer Learning for Multilingual Task Oriented Dialog Sebastian Schuster, Sonal Gupta, Rushin Shah, Mike Lewis
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, train-parallel, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-subword, arch-transformer, task-seq2seq, task-tree 0 Understanding and Improving Hidden Representations for Neural Machine Translation Guanlin Li, Lemao Liu, Xintong Li, Conghui Zhu, Tiejun Zhao, Shuming Shi
2019 NAA-CL # train-mll, train-transfer, latent-topic, loss-nce, task-textclass, task-lm, task-alignment 1 Multilingual prediction of Alzheimer’s disease through domain adaptation and concept-based language modelling Kathleen C. Fraser, Nicklas Linz, Bai Li, Kristina Lundholm Fors, Frank Rudzicz, Alexandra König, Jan Alexandersson, Philippe Robert, Dimitrios Kokkinakis
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-decay, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, search-beam, task-spanlab, task-seq2seq 0 Online Distilling from Checkpoints for Neural Machine Translation Hao-Ran Wei, Shujian Huang, Ran Wang, Xin-yu Dai, Jiajun Chen
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, latent-topic, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Conversation Model Fine-Tuning for Classifying Client Utterances in Counseling Dialogues Sungjoon Park, Donghyun Kim, Alice Oh
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-coverage, arch-subword, search-beam, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-alignment 3 Curriculum Learning for Domain Adaptation in Neural Machine Translation Xuan Zhang, Pamela Shapiro, Gaurav Kumar, Paul McNamee, Marine Carpuat, Kevin Duh
2019 NAA-CL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, train-mtl, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-coverage, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-bert, task-textpair, task-lm 3 Mining Discourse Markers for Unsupervised Sentence Representation Learning Damien Sileo, Tim Van De Cruys, Camille Pradel, Philippe Muller
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-decay, norm-batch, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-memo, arch-subword, search-beam, task-lm, task-seq2seq 23 Pre-training on high-resource speech recognition improves low-resource speech-to-text translation Sameer Bansal, Herman Kamper, Karen Livescu, Adam Lopez, Sharon Goldwater
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-memo, latent-vae, task-lm 3 Riemannian Normalizing Flow on Variational Wasserstein Autoencoder for Text Modeling Prince Zizhuang Wang, William Yang Wang
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, optim-projection, init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-memo, arch-subword, pre-fasttext, struct-crf, adv-train, loss-svd, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-lexicon, task-alignment 0 Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Opinion Target Extraction Soufian Jebbara, Philipp Cimiano
2019 NAA-CL # reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-memo, arch-bilinear, arch-coverage, arch-subword, search-beam, search-viterbi, struct-crf, latent-topic, task-textpair, task-seqlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 0 Incorporating Word Attention into Character-Based Word Segmentation Shohei Higashiyama, Masao Utiyama, Eiichiro Sumita, Masao Ideuchi, Yoshiaki Oida, Yohei Sakamoto, Isaac Okada
2019 NAA-CL # optim-sgd, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, search-viterbi, pre-word2vec, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-seqlab 1 An Encoding Strategy Based Word-Character LSTM for Chinese NER Wei Liu, Tongge Xu, Qinghua Xu, Jiayu Song, Yueran Zu
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-labelsmooth, norm-layer, train-transfer, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, arch-transformer, task-seq2seq 7 Non-Parametric Adaptation for Neural Machine Translation Ankur Bapna, Orhan Firat
2019 NAA-CL # train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, adv-train, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-seqlab, task-lm 1 Using Similarity Measures to Select Pretraining Data for NER Xiang Dai, Sarvnaz Karimi, Ben Hachey, Cecile Paris
2019 NAA-CL # reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-memo, arch-coverage, pre-bert, adv-examp, adv-train, task-textclass, task-condlm, task-seq2seq 3 Adversarial Training for Weakly Supervised Event Detection Xiaozhi Wang, Xu Han, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun, Peng Li
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adadelta, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-bigru, arch-cnn, arch-att, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-lm 4 Structural Scaffolds for Citation Intent Classification in Scientific Publications Arman Cohan, Waleed Ammar, Madeleine van Zuylen, Field Cady
2019 NAA-CL # train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, adv-train, task-relation, task-tree 1 Robust Semantic Parsing with Adversarial Learning for Domain Generalization Gabriel Marzinotto, Géraldine Damnati, Frédéric Béchet, Benoît Favre
2019 NAA-CL # optim-sgd, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, comb-ensemble, adv-train, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq 1 Joint Learning of Pre-Trained and Random Units for Domain Adaptation in Part-of-Speech Tagging Sara Meftah, Youssef Tamaazousti, Nasredine Semmar, Hassane Essafi, Fatiha Sadat
2019 NAA-CL # init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-cnn, arch-att, comb-ensemble, pre-glove, adv-train, loss-triplet, task-lm 1 Adversarial Category Alignment Network for Cross-domain Sentiment Classification Xiaoye Qu, Zhikang Zou, Yu Cheng, Yang Yang, Pan Zhou
2019 NAA-CL # optim-sgd, optim-adam, init-glorot, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-gru, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-gating, arch-energy, search-viterbi, pre-word2vec, pre-skipthought, struct-hmm, struct-crf, adv-train, task-textclass, task-seq2seq 0 Adaptation of Hierarchical Structured Models for Speech Act Recognition in Asynchronous Conversation Tasnim Mohiuddin, Thanh-Tung Nguyen, Shafiq Joty
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, norm-batch, train-mtl, train-transfer, struct-cfg, adv-train, latent-topic, task-seq2seq 5 Detecting cognitive impairments by agreeing on interpretations of linguistic features Zining Zhu, Jekaterina Novikova, Frank Rudzicz
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, comb-ensemble, pre-glove, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq 1 Linguistically-Informed Specificity and Semantic Plausibility for Dialogue Generation Wei-Jen Ko, Greg Durrett, Junyi Jessy Li
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-treelstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, arch-memo, task-textpair, task-relation, task-graph 3 Biomedical Event Extraction based on Knowledge-driven Tree-LSTM Diya Li, Lifu Huang, Heng Ji, Jiawei Han
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-stopping, train-mtl, train-transfer, pool-max, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, comb-ensemble, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation 0 AutoSeM: Automatic Task Selection and Mixing in Multi-Task Learning Han Guo, Ramakanth Pasunuru, Mohit Bansal
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, pre-glove, struct-crf, task-seqlab 2 Entity Recognition at First Sight: Improving NER with Eye Movement Information Nora Hollenstein, Ce Zhang
2019 NAA-CL # reg-stopping, norm-gradient, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-memo, arch-copy, nondif-reinforce, task-textpair, task-lm, task-condlm, task-seq2seq 0 Courteously Yours: Inducing courteous behavior in Customer Care responses using Reinforced Pointer Generator Network Hitesh Golchha, Mauajama Firdaus, Asif Ekbal, Pushpak Bhattacharyya
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-gru, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-gating, arch-bilinear, pre-glove, pre-elmo, pre-bert, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq 4 Multi-task Learning with Sample Re-weighting for Machine Reading Comprehension Yichong Xu, Xiaodong Liu, Yelong Shen, Jingjing Liu, Jianfeng Gao
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, optim-projection, reg-dropout, reg-stopping, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-bilinear, arch-subword, comb-ensemble, pre-fasttext, pre-elmo, pre-bert, loss-nce, task-textclass, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-relation, task-lexicon 12 Cross-Lingual Alignment of Contextual Word Embeddings, with Applications to Zero-shot Dependency Parsing Tal Schuster, Ori Ram, Regina Barzilay, Amir Globerson
2019 NAA-CL # reg-dropout, norm-gradient, train-transfer, train-parallel, arch-att, arch-subword, arch-transformer, task-seq2seq, task-alignment 0 Measuring Immediate Adaptation Performance for Neural Machine Translation Patrick Simianer, Joern Wuebker, John DeNero
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, optim-projection, train-transfer, pool-max, pool-mean, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-memo, arch-bilinear, pre-word2vec, pre-glove, task-textclass, task-seqlab 1 Description-Based Zero-shot Fine-Grained Entity Typing Rasha Obeidat, Xiaoli Fern, Hamed Shahbazi, Prasad Tadepalli
2019 NAA-CL # reg-dropout, train-mtl, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-subword, arch-transformer, loss-nce, task-seqlab, task-seq2seq 24 Massively Multilingual Neural Machine Translation Roee Aharoni, Melvin Johnson, Orhan Firat
2019 NAA-CL # train-mll, train-transfer, latent-topic 0 Analyzing Bayesian Crosslingual Transfer in Topic Models Shudong Hao, Michael J. Paul
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adadelta, reg-dropout, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-cnn, arch-att, task-textclass 0 Event Detection without Triggers Shulin Liu, Yang Li, Feng Zhang, Tao Yang, Xinpeng Zhou
2019 NAA-CL # reg-dropout, train-mll, train-transfer, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-recnn, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, arch-subword, pre-fasttext, adv-train, task-seq2seq 3 Addressing word-order Divergence in Multilingual Neural Machine Translation for extremely Low Resource Languages Rudra Murthy, Anoop Kunchukuttan, Pushpak Bhattacharyya
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, reg-decay, train-transfer, train-augment, arch-lstm, arch-bilstm, arch-att, arch-selfatt, arch-coverage, arch-transformer, comb-ensemble, pre-glove, pre-skipthought, pre-elmo, pre-bert, struct-crf, task-textclass, task-textpair, task-seqlab, task-spanlab, task-lm, task-seq2seq, task-cloze 3209 BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, Kristina Toutanova
2019 NAA-CL # optim-adam, reg-dropout, norm-layer, train-transfer, arch-rnn, arch-lstm, arch-att, arch-subword, search-greedy, search-beam, struct-cfg, nondif-gumbelsoftmax, task-lm, task-seq2seq 5 Bi-Directional Differentiable Input Reconstruction for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation Xing Niu, Weijia Xu, Marine Carpuat