
I am fortunate to be able to work with these gifted young people and thank them (as well as Prof. Neubig, Huang, Qiu) for believing in me. I love talking to junior students, who have the unlimited talent to be cultivated. As a mentor, the happiest thing for me is to see many students publish their first academic papers.


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Jinlan Fu

Information Extraction, Interpretable Analysis

PhD from Fudan University, Co-advise with Xuanjing Huang, Qi Zhang; Got three top-tier conference papers (AAAI 2020, EMNLP 2020*2)

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Yiran Chen

Text Summarization, Generalization and Factuality

Master from Fudan University, Co-advise with Xipeng Qiu; Got her first top-tier conference paper as the first author (EMNLP 2020 Findings)

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Manik Bhandari

Text Summarization, Evaluation for Text Generation

Master from CMU, Co-advise with Graham Neubig; Got his first EMNLP and COLING paper in half a year as the first author.

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Pranav N Gour

Text Summarization, Evaluation for Text Generation

Master from CMU,Co-advise with Graham Neubig; Got his first EMNLP and COLING paper as a co-author.

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Atabak Ashfaq

Text Summarization, Evaluation for Text Generation

Master from CMU,Co-advise with Graham Neubig; Got his first EMNLP and COLING paper as a co-author.

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Yixin Liu

Text Summarization

Master from CMU,Co-advise with Graham Neubig

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Priyam Tejaswin

Text Summarization

Master from CMU,Co-advise with Graham Neubig

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Dhruv Naik

Text Summarization

Master from CMU,Co-advise with Graham Neubig

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Weizhe Yuan

Text Summarization

Master from CMU,Co-advise with Graham Neubig

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Vijay Viswanathan

Information Extraction

Master from CMU,Co-advise with Graham Neubig


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Daniella Ye

Performance Prediction

Co-advise with Graham Neubig; Submitted her first top-tier conference paper and accepted by EACL 2021 as the first author

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Yang Xiao

Interpretable, reliable analysis

Still in training


Fudan PhD -> Tencent
Wenshan Wang

Got his first top-tier journal paper as the first author.

CMU Master -> UCLA
Ziyi Dou

Finish a submission and released a SOTA summarization system

Fudan Master
Ming Zhong

Got his first two top-tier conference papers (ACL 2019, 2020) as the first author.

Fudan Master
Danqing Wang

Got her first top-tier conference papers (ACL 2020) as the first author.

Fudan Master -> Alibaba
Shaojing Wang

Got his first published paper (at Journal of Chinese Information Processing) as the first author.

Fudan Master
Zehui Lin

Got his first pre-printed research work as the first author.

Fudan Master
Linyang Li

Working on interpetable analysis and finished one ACL submission.

PhD at Ohio State University
Shuaicheng Chang

Got his first top-tier conference papers (AAAI 2020) as the first author.

Fudan -> Oregon State University
Junkun Chen

Got his first top-tier conference papers (AAAI 2018) as the first author.